Steven Anderson from Penchrise, enjoyed a successful day at Roberton Show when his Blackface ewe was crowned supreme champion from 300 entries.

Overall judge, Neil Hamilton from Earlside, found his reserve in a South Country Cheviot from Ross Anderson, Easter Alemoor, who also won the trophy for the most points.

Another large entry of young handlers saw Brooke Hedley, Hawthornside come out on top and qualify for the regional final at Langholm Show later this month.

Leading Awards

Blackface – Champion, best opposite sex and female group – Steven Anderson, Penchrise.

South Country Cheviot – Champion, pair of ewe lambs – Ross Anderson, Easter Alemoor. Opposite sex to champion, female group – Alistair Warden, Skelfhill.

Hill Cheviot (untouched) – Champion – Ogilvie Jackson, Cossarshill Woodburnhaugh. Gimmer, opposite sex to champion – K and K Duncan, West Deloraine.

Texel – Champion – Glen Wilson, Hawthornside.

Any other pure breed – Champion – Graham Cakebread, Commonside.

Rare and minority breeds – Champion – Sarah Warren, Rosevale.

Pen of three ewe lambs – Champion – Graham Cakebread, Commonside.

Young handler – Under 11yrs – Brooke Hedley. Under 16yrs – Brogan Anderson. Overall – Brooke Hedley.

Black sheep – Oliver Anderson, Parkhill.