Elinore Nilsson and her working dogs, Midderry Kid and Avon Jacob, swept the board at the Scottish National trial at Farr Estate, Inverness, winning both the National Brace and Individual championships after four days of extremely challenging trialling.

The Swedish-born Scottish champion said: “Kid has been consistent through his whole life, I’ve had him since a pup. He’s my right hand. I trust him. This is his fourth time in the team.”

The event saw former national and international champions fall by the wayside along with other able and experienced handlers who failed to complete the course as the ewes stuck together in the shedding ring, denying handlers the opportunity to separate the packet of three plain, and two red collared, sheep.

Kid (RJ Hutchinson’s Sweep, L Magnusson’s Kate) ran out and lifted his sheep faultlessly, although they had strayed from the post, and had them on line for the fetch gate, until they saw the obstacle and diverted course to avoid it.

It was the only weakness in the run; Kid drove them smoothly round the course, and came into his own at the close work where he dropped only 5/60 pts where so many failed to complete the job.

Team 2024 team – back row (left to right) Jerry Ramsay's Josie, Dean Aitken's Tweeddale Vicki, M Gallagher's Hillrunner Bee, Neil Mcvicar's Mark and Baledmund Pete, Hamish Mitchell's Dan, Ian Lockhart's Kemi Sia, Zander Kent's Lucy, Fraser Shennan's Fred, Ian Sutherland's Dan (Hielan Cap), Michael Shearer's Mirk, Donnie Macdiarmid's Bob; front (left to right Emma Gray's Banjo, Ian Brownlie's Lark and Boyd, Elinore Nilsson's Midderry Kid and Avon Jacob, Laura Hinnekens' Gum and K'eira, Wullie Welsh's Heyshaw FletchTeam 2024 team – back row (left to right) Jerry Ramsay's Josie, Dean Aitken's Tweeddale Vicki, M Gallagher's Hillrunner Bee, Neil Mcvicar's Mark and Baledmund Pete, Hamish Mitchell's Dan, Ian Lockhart's Kemi Sia, Zander Kent's Lucy, Fraser Shennan's Fred, Ian Sutherland's Dan (Hielan Cap), Michael Shearer's Mirk, Donnie Macdiarmid's Bob; front (left to right Emma Gray's Banjo, Ian Brownlie's Lark and Boyd, Elinore Nilsson's Midderry Kid and Avon Jacob, Laura Hinnekens' Gum and K'eira, Wullie Welsh's Heyshaw Fletch

Eli and Kid came to the individual class with the brace title to their credit, achieved with kennel mate Avon Jacob (AP Gallagher’s Cain, A Warmington’s Kim) joining the team. Ian Wilkie, one of two brace judges, said: “Eli was way ahead of the rest. Her dogs worked as a team and she kept them balancing the work between them.

It was a pity she was timed out before she got the second pen, but she was still well ahead, without her pen.”

The singles course was set on an open field, with a slight rise to the far end and gentle undulations that caused no real problems, although the cross drive was hard to judge and seemed to be best approached from a line that looked high but seemed to guide the sheep – Blackfaces with varying degrees of Swale blood – through the gate at an angle of 45 degrees.

The ewes stayed together well on the field, but were not averse to avoiding the fetch and drive gates.

The deciding factor of the trial was the shedding ring. The ewes tended to be unsettled in the ring, to circle each other tightly and to leave the ring en masse.

With odd individuals regularly breaking from the ring and repeating the stunt at the pen, a fair number never reached the final element of singling one red collared sheep of two, in a packet of five sheep.

Runner up, Neil Mcvicar’s Mark was not far behind. Neil’s whistle at the start of the outrun proved effective and Mark (JP McGee’s Glencregg Silver, IM Brownlie’s Lia) landed at his sheep, lifted cleanly and made a good fetch.

An outstanding drive earned him the prize for the best driving dog for the second successive year.

In the ring, a collared ewe broke repeatedly, but Mark matched her repetitions, returned her to the ring, shed off two plain sheep of three and walked the packet into the pen. Once back in the ring, the ‘old opponent’ broke again, and Neil was ready to accept her voluntary effort to make the single and completed the run with 174pts.

On Thursday afternoon, Ian Brownlie’s Lark got off to a great start with a clean outrun and lift, but the ewes bolted down the fetch, ignoring the gates.

Once Lark (D Robertson’s Joe, A Watson’s Fen) managed to take control, the drive went well, and typically, the packet was hard to split in the ring, but once shed, a clean pen followed, and a difficult single eventually came off.

Lark took the lead on 164 pts and won the prize for leader on the first day, eventually taking third place.

Jerry Ramsay’s Josie was 13th dog of the ballot, but it was not unlucky. Josie (J McLaughlin’s Dan, S McManus’ Nell) ran out slightly wide but she reached her sheep, lifted cleanly and had a good fetch.

Her drive away started well, and although the ewes missed the first drive gate, the cross drive went well and Josie put her sheep through that gate.

A good shed and a clean pen followed and although time ran out at the single, Josie finished in fourth place on 163pts.

Running sixth dog of the trial, Dean Aitken’s Tweeddale Viki was the first potential team run. Viki (E Gray’s Tweeddale Jamie, D Aitken’s Tami) ran out and lifted almost faultlessly.

Although the ewes took off on the fetch and missed the gate, she turned them round Dean, settled them on the drive away and put them through the gate. The line of the cross drive wavered a little, but again, Viki put her sheep through the gate.

In the ring, Dean waited for the sheep to split, called Viki in from the opposite side of the packet and was rewarded with a clean shed.

After a little milling around the mouth of the pen, Viki bossed them in and Dean shut the gate.

A clean single completed the run on 162 and the lead held until Jerry and Josie overtook them by a single point; Viki finished in fifth.

Running Lucy, Zander Kent became the highest pointed ‘first timer’ in the team. Lucy (P Byrne’s Moss and Ciara) ran out and stopped a little short of her sheep, but once she came on to them, she lifted cleanly.

She took them down the fetch and put them through the gate, and although her turn round Zander was wide, she drove them away nicely and through the first drive gate.

Her turn was wide and she was off line on the cross drive, but again, Lucy put her sheep through the gate.

She managed to keep them inside the shedding ring and after the usual movements to and fro, the shed was made. A ewe broke up the side of the pen before Lucy stopped her, brought her back and penned the packet.

Again, she managed to keep her sheep inside the ring until she had her single and earned sixth place in the team on 158pts.

Ian Lockhart’s Kemi Sia matched Lucy’s points but took seventh place on outbye work. Ian blew Sia on with a whistle as she approached the top, so she reached her sheep and lifted cleanly; she seemed on a good line on the fetch, but the ewes slipped the gate.

Her drive started fine, and Sia (J Dumbleton’s Kemi Ross, DK Evans’ Vicky) got her first gate; the second leg went well until she missed the cross drive gate.

In the ring, Sia came into a split to make a very good shed and then walked her sheep into the pen; Ian quickly shut the gate and all looked good.

Back in the ring, Ian took advantage of an opportunity to single a red collared ewe and finished on 158pts.

All these competitors, their dogs and more represent Scotland at the International trial at Syde Farm, Carmichael, Biggar, on September 12-14.

Leading Awards

Farr Estate (Judges: S McCrindle, Stranraer and A Stewat Lockerbie). 150 ran – 1, E Nilsson’s Midderry Kid, Alyth, 179 /220; 2, N McVicar’s Mark, Benmore, 174; 3, IM Brownlie’s Lark, Dunbar, 164; 4, J Ramsay’s Josie, Ollaberry, 163; 5, D Aitken’s Tweeddale Vicki, Peebles, 162; 6, A Kent’s Lucy, Dunoon, 158 outbye; 7, I Lockhart’s Kemi Sia, Dalrymple, 158; 8, M Gallagher’s Hillrunner Bee, Alyth, 157; 9, MC Shearer’s Mirk, Westfield, 156; 10, N Mcvicar’s Baledmund Pete, Benmore, 151 outbye; 11, IM Brownlie’s Boyd, Dunbar, 151; 12, E Gray’s Banjo, Ardros, 148; 13, WJ Welsh’s Heyshaw Fletch, Sanquhar, 147; 14, F Shennan’s Fred, Barr, 144 outbye; 15, H Mitchell’s Dan, Glenfarg, 144 outbye. Res – I Sutherland’s Dan (Hielan Cap), Strathnaver, 144.

Brace (Judges: I Wilkie, Tillypronie and S Renwick, Lochbroom). Eight pairs ran – 1, E Nilsson’s Avon Jacob and Midderry Kid, Alyth, 212 /280; 2, L Hinnekens’ Gum and K’eira, Quothquan, 177. Res – P Martin’s Ivy and Tilly, Glenlyon, 170.

LEADING trophies

E Nilsson’s Midderry Kid – John Angus MacLeod Memorial Trophy, JM Wilson Challenge Shield, JW McNaughton Farmers’ Cup.

E Nilsson’s Avon Jacob and Midderry Kid – Helensburgh Trophy (brace), Jimmy Menzies Baledmund Memorial trophy (brace).

IM Brownlie’s Lark – AA Armstrong Shepherds’ Cup, Warnock Trophy (first day lead).

N McVicar’s Mark – Alexander Andrew Trophy (Scottish-bred dog), Tom Gilholm Trophy (driving).

D Macdiarmid’s Bob, Isle of Skye – Drumclog Cup (youngest competitor).

W Welsh’s Jet, Dalcairney – Jack Fraser Trophy (sportsmanship).

A Kent’s Lucy – Miss McFarlane Trophy (new to Scottish team).

Scottish National Individual and Brace champion – Elinore Nilsson’s Midderry Kid and Avon Jacob.

Brace team – Elinore Nilsson’s Midderry Kid and Avon Jacob, Laura Hinnekens’ Gum and K’eira,

Youngest competitor and young handler for International – Donnie Macdiarmid’s Bob.