Young Ruby Simpson from Mains of Creuchies, returned to Strathardle Show with a bang, lifting the supreme title with a three-month-old Limousin cross heifer calf.

The 17-year-old stood champion of champions two years ago but could not defend her title last year when the show was called off due of an outbreak of sheep scab.

The spring-born heifer by Graham’s Premium was crowned supreme by the four sheep judges, George Whyte, Bobby Mackenzie, Duncan Beaton, William Dunlop, jnr and the cattle judge, Neil Caul.

Champion north-type Blackface from Cadogan EstatesChampion north-type Blackface from Cadogan Estates

The calf, which won her class at Kirriemuir, is being retained for breeding.

Champion Blackface in the south-type section was a four-crop ewe from Andrew, Freuchies. It was bought as a lamb at Lanark and is sired by a £22,000 Dalchirla.

Cadogan Estate took the top award in the north-type section with a three-shear tup by a 14,000gns Sam Adams, bought in Ireland as a shearling. He was first in his class at Alyth and second at Kirriemuir.

Breeding sheep champion winners from Ben MacDonaldBreeding sheep champion winners from Ben MacDonald

A pair of Texel cross ewe lambs that are being retained for breeding from Ben MacDonald, Meadows of Ballied, took the tri-colour in the cross breeding lines.

The Stewart family from Mains of Dalrulzion won the prime lamb championship with a pair of Beltex cross lambs.

Prime lamb champions from Mains of DalrulzionPrime lamb champions from Mains of Dalrulzion

Leading Awards

Cattle (Judge: N Caul, Balkello). Champion – R Simpson, Mains of Creuchie with a May-born Limousin cross calf by Graham’s Premium. Reserve – Messrs Fleming, The Peel with a March-born Limousin cross bullock by Jaegerbomb on his first outing. Stot calf by Charolais/Simmental bull born before Jan 1, 2024, heifer calf by any other breed, suckler cow in milk, bred spring-born calf – Mains of Creuchie. Heifer calf, any native breed, stot calf, any native breed – Ashmore and Stroan Estate. Stot calf by any other breed, pair of stot calves, any breed – The Peel. Pair of heifer calves, any breed – Cloquhat.

Prime lambs (Judge: G Whyte, Lintibbert). Champion – D and E Stewart, Mains of Dalrulzion with a pair of Beltex cross lambs. Reserve – B MacDonald with a pair of Beltex cross lambs. Pair of Leicester cross Lambs – Folda. Pair of Blackface wedder lambs – Mains of Mause. Pair of lambs, BF dam (by any other sire), pair of Suffolk cross lambs (BF dam), pair of Suffolk cross lambs (any dam, over 80kg) – Runavey. Pair of Suffolk cross lambs (Mule dam), pair of Suffolk cross lambs (any dam, under 80kg) – Ashmore and Stroan estates. Pair of lambs (any other breed, under 80kg) – Mains of Dalruzion. Pair of lambs (any other breed, over 80kg) – Meadows of Ballied.

Cross breeding sheep (Judge: B MacKenzie, Glebe, Boat of Garten). Champion – B MacDonald, Meadows of Ballied with a pair of home-bred Texel cross ewe lambs. Reserve – Major Gibb, Folda with a pair of home-bred Scotch Mule ewe lambs on their first outing and bound for UA, Stirling next month. Pair of cross ewe lambs, any other breed, pair of cross ewes – Meadows of Ballied. Pair of cross gimmers – Mains of Dalrulzion. Pair of cross lambs – Mains of Mause. Pair of Suffolk cross lambs – Runavey.

Blackface north-type (Judge: D Beaton, Newmill of Inshewan, Memus). Champion – Cadogan Estate with a three-shear tup by £14,000 Sam Adams bought in Ireland as a shearling. First at Alyth show and second at Kirriemuir. Reserve – A Petrie, Kirrkiemuir with a gimmer by a son of a £10,000 Woolfords and a Newmill dam. Aged ram, shearling ram, ewe, three females, group of three males – Cadogan Estate. Ram lamb, one-crop ewe, gimmer, ewe lamb – A Petrie.

Blackface south-type (Judge: W Dunlop jnr, Elmscleugh, Dunbar). Champion and reserve – W and A Walker, Freuchies. Supreme was a four-crop ewe by a £22,000 Dalchirla, bought as a lamb at Lanark. Reserve was a home-bred one-crop ewe by a £3500 Crossflatt on its first outing, out of ewe by a £15,000 Crossflatt. Aged ram, ram lamb, senior ewe, one-crop ewe, ewe lamb, group of three females, group of three males – Freuchies. Shearling ram, pair of wedder lambs – Mains of Mause. Gimmer – Glenfernate.