There can be no doubting the superior standard and ability of young handlers coming through the ranks going by the quality of showmanship in the inter-breed competition staged on the Sunday afternoon.

This year's event saw six star performers compete for the overall title and the Dalchirla Trophy which was first presented in 2019. It included the supreme winner from a massive section of sheep young handlers, alongside the winners from the goat, beef and dairy cattle sections, Shetland pony and Clydesdale horse lines.

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Kayleigh Nicol(16) was champion young handler in the Shetland section Ref: RH230624233 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer... Kayleigh Nicol(16) was champion young handler in the Shetland section Ref: RH230624233 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer...

Judges Robin Orr and his daughter Caroline Morton, Dunfermline, were most impressed by the standard of all six competitors, with the supreme honours presented to the beef winner, Rhianydd Davies, exhibiting a Highland heifer from the Caradog fold, Wales.

"The beef cattle winner was on the button as soon as she came into the ring. She had her heifer brought out to perfection and she was always paying attention to where the judges were and to how her animal looked to us," said Mrs Morton.

READ MORE | RHS dairy: Lairds take inter-breed with their Holstein


Bruce Guild(13) took the top ticket in the Sheep young handlers Ref: RH230624231 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer... Bruce Guild(13) took the top ticket in the Sheep young handlers Ref: RH230624231 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer...

She adding that the dairy winner, Rory Scott, from Ayrshire, came a close second, with the overall sheep champion, Bruce Guild, not far behind.

"The showmanship of the dairy young handler and his heifer was outstanding when his legs were in line with those of the Holstein. It was very close between the dairy winner and the sheep young handler," she said.

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Matthew Gray (10) won the junior sheep young handlers and is pictured with judge Kirsty Morton Matthew Gray (10) won the junior sheep young handlers and is pictured with judge Kirsty Morton

Rhianydd from Wales, is no stranger to the top awards in young handler competitions, having taken second prize rosettes in the beef section here in 2023 and 2022. Reserve beef young handler at the Royal Welsh Show in 2021, she also scooped the top award at Stars of the Future in November when showing a Highland heifer.

Rory Scott (16) of the Nethervalley dairy unit from Tarbolton, is also a regular winner having previously won the dairy section here and top awards at UK Dairy Day, Telford.

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Kaitlyn Marshall (14) won the young handlers competition amongst the Clydesdales Kaitlyn Marshall (14) won the young handlers competition amongst the Clydesdales

Bruce Guild (13), New Cumnock, is another youngster with ability. Another big winner in sheep young handler competitions in the south-west he has previously lifted the top award at Ayr, New Cumnock, Straiton and Carsphairn. He was also took the reserve honours in the sheep lines last year.