William Harvey, 26, is the chair of East Mainland YFC. When not chairing the club, he works on his family farm on the outskirts of Kirkwall producing beef and lamb. He has been a member of the club since he was 13, participating in his first bi-annual concert competition. He describes: “I was encouraged to join by my parents who were both past members of East Mainland Young Farmers”.

Q What has been your proudest achievement within YF?

A It is between winning the most points in the bowls trophy, the most highly contested trophy within the club, with at least 30 members participating over the four nights.

Also participating in the junior speechmaking competition, where we won the North Area Competition and came runners up at National level. I was delighted to be presented with the certificate for Best Speaker out with the winning team.

Q How do you balance your responsibilities as chair of the club with your work on the family farm?

A I am very grateful to have the support of the committee and it helps being married to the club treasurer! As we only get to be members for a short period in life, it is important to make time for club events whenever possible. I also think you need to take time out from the farm now and again and socialise with other like-minded people.

MORE NEWS | Busy year for East Mainland Young Farmers Club

Q Can you share a time when you overcame a significant challenge through YF?

A One significant challenge I recall is participating in club activities during COVID-19. The club took part in many challenges to stay connected, including a toilet roll challenge which went viral. This involved members filming a short clip as they pass a toilet roll, creating a continuous reel. This was a tiktok trend at the time and was great fun to create.

We also did a collective effort to walk, run, and cycle the distance to and from Ingliston in the absence of RHS, all for charity. In total we raised £1719 for RSABI. This was achieved in under five days by the majority of members at the time. These activities were great for maintaining contact and camaraderie through lockdown, which really helped us all pull through it.

Q How do you envision the club evolving in the next five to ten years?

A It is encouraging to see so many young members at present, who I have every faith in continuing the great name of East Mainland Young Farmers as I will sadly be too old to participate in competitions.

Q What is your advice for new members?

A I recommend YF as a fantastic organisation that has provided me with numerous opportunities. It is a great way to meet new, like-minded people who often become lifelong friends. You never know, you might just get yourself a grand wife!