Jess Brown's spoke to The Scottish Farmer on her journey with Banks of Tay YFC, from growth milestones to overcoming challenges.

When did you join Young Farmers?

I joined Young Farmers literally days after my 14th birthday, as that’s when the winter syllabus started. My first meeting was a Ready Steady Cook event, where I made a below-average pizza!

What has been your highlight since joining?

I’ve been so lucky in Young Farmers to have been involved with the creation of Banks of Tay. It’s a brand-new club and in my two years as secretary the club has grown and grown. It’s been lovely to be a part of and hosting our first two dinner-dances were some of my best YF moments yet.

How would you describe the YF community?

The Young Farmers community is such a vast spectrum. When I meet other Young Farmers out and about, I love to ask what they work as or study, as it’s so varied.

Where would be your ideal destination for a club trip?

I’d love to have a club trip anywhere! Ireland or maybe Wales for the Balmoral Show or the Welsh Show would be wild – we might have to look into it!

What is the most difficult factor facing young folk in the industry?

There are a lot of difficulties facing youngsters in the industry, but I think social media can be a huge problem alongside being the greatest help. It puts so much pressure on people, and nobody can help but compare themselves to what’s being seen online. However, it is where many people turn to when they struggle.

Is there anything you’ve done while in YF that you never thought you could achieve?

I never thought I’d ever talk in front of a group of people. Being secretary put me right out of my comfort zone in many situations, but I’m glad I’ve done it.

Which is your favourite agricultural show?

My favourite agricultural show varies. It’s whichever one is sunniest that year because there’s nothing better than a hot, sunny show day, Perth is our most local, so I always enjoy it.

Have you noticed any considerable changes to YF since joining?

Since I joined YF in the last five years, I think there have been lots of changes and progress higher up, which is now coming through to the club level.

Which is your favourite event within your club?

As a club, we have twice had a gingerbread house competition in the run-up to Christmas, which I always love. But we also have lots of outdoor sports and activities over summer, which I also enjoy.

Describe your role outside of YF?

Outside of Young Farmers, I’m currently working on a beef and arable farm, spending most of my time with the suckler herd which I love, as cows are my happy place.