Origin and membership

Banks of Tay was founded in 2021 as an amalgamation of two previous clubs, Perth JAC and Carse of Gowrie JAC, due to both clubs being small and struggling with numbers. The club now boasts 20 active members aged between 14-30, spanning from central Perth to Bridge of Earn in the south, and along the Carse of Gowrie to the Burrleton area in the north and everything in between.

Water sports nightWater sports night

Upcoming activities

As we are now in June, members are keen to unveil their packed summer syllabus. The outlook for the coming months includes the latest addition of tug of war teams, comprising both a male and female team. Teams will train together to compete in open competitions at agricultural shows, with the men’s team aiming for the qualifiers at the Royal Highland Show. Both teams competed at their first event at the Fife Show in May this year, where the boys’ team placed fourth. Additional events making a return include a beetle drive club fundraiser, planned for the end of summer and the annual dinner-dance next January.

Errol mud run; (Left to Right) Drew Low, Aaron Haxton, Louise Carr and Jess BrownErrol mud run; (Left to Right) Drew Low, Aaron Haxton, Louise Carr and Jess Brown

Members have also competed in regional competitions such as the Perthshire district cabaret team at the East region competition. Banks of Tay won the Perthshire district Ready Steady Cook and advanced to the East region level, where senior members brought home the blue ticket for stockjudging.

District field dayDistrict field day

Sports and community engagement

Members don’t shy away from national level sports, with teams also competing in Perthshire district football and curling last summer.

Engaging with the local community strikes high on the agenda for Banks of Tay Young Farmers. Four members – Jess Brown, Louise Carr, Aaron Haxton, and Drew Low –volunteered to help organise the Errol annual mud run in Perth. The course comprised of approximately 30 obstacles over 1.2km, with club members aiding in supervising obstacles. Members had the chance to go round the course at the end as a fun run.

Banks of Tay club logoBanks of Tay club logo

Secretary’s note

Louise Carr, club secretary for 2024-25, concluded: “The club is going from strength to strength, and I’m really looking forward to watching the club continue to grow to its full potential. We have a fun summer ahead with a full syllabus. I am particularly looking forward to competing as part of the tug of war team and hosting out first mock auction.”

Facebook: Banks of Tay YFC

Instagram: banks_of_tay_yf