Dr Jack Dunnett, internationally renowned potato breeder and Scottish potato industry pioneer, died peacefully in Norfolk on April 14, aged 95.

Jack was born on Tresdale farm in Canisbay, Caithness, on 13 March 1929. The second of three children of William Dunnet and Jessie Kennedy, his family roots ran deep in Caithness, where his forebears were farmers and lifeboatmen on the shores of the Pentland Firth. He grew up during the Second World War and spent much of his youth helping out on the farm, developing a deep love for the flora and fauna of his native Caithness and sparking a lifelong passion for the natural environment.

On leaving Wick High School he spent his two years of National Service in the Royal Signals Corps, based in Germany just after the war. His National Service gave him the opportunity to attend Edinburgh University where he studied scientific agriculture and botany, achieving a first-class honours. He often remarked that the only thing he got out of the army was his student grant.

During his undergraduate years he met his future wife, Evelyn Munro Bain, who had also gained a place at Edinburgh University from Wick High School to study English. Their relationship blossomed into a lifelong marriage with children Gavin, Catriona and the late Michael, until Evelyn died in 1998. It was at Edinburgh that Jack also met his lifelong friend Peter Douglas Waister on their first day at university, and the two continued to fly fish together on the lochs of Caithness every year for as long as they were able.

A chance summer job rogueing tatties led Jack to his first job at the Scottish Plant Breeding Station at Pentlandfield. Jack was part of the team who developed the successful ‘Pentland’ potato varieties, including Dell, Crown, Squire and Javelin. Jack took the opportunity to carry out part-time post-graduate studies into potato pathogens, eventually becoming an international expert in potato eelworm infestation and resistance. His PHD studies allowed him to spend many happy days in the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, a place that remained dear to his heart throughout his life.

The turning point came in 1976 when Jack had become increasingly disillusioned with the direction of the publicly funded breeding programme at Pentlandfield and he decided to return to his native Caithness to establish himself as a private potato breeder.

The move was made possible by the introduction of Plant Variety Rights, giving a royalty income to breeders. Even so, this was a huge risk at a time when plant breeding in the UK was dominated by large, state-funded institutions. Jack was well aware that the process of creating new varieties took around ten years, at the end of which there was no guarantee of success.

He started to breed his own varieties, surviving in this lean period by growing high-grade seed in partnership with local Caithness farmers and VTSC inspecting. He remarked wryly in his book that during this time he learnt a lot about the potato business that wasn’t taught at university.

Jack realised the need for links with the merchant sector, to look after the multiplication, production and marketing of the seed. After a chance meeting with London-based entrepreneur, Marcel Guindi, Jack enlisted his help and they went on to develop a successful partnership. Marcel spotted the potential in marketing exclusive rights to Jack’s new varieties and had the export contacts and the trading knowledge to make it happen.

This led eventually to the formation of the Caithness Group in collaboration with Bob Doig, Ron Mcarthur and Gordon Smillie, all respected Perth shire potato growers and merchants.

Jack’s first nationally listed variety, Stemster, was targeted at the Algerian market, but eventually found its niche in other parts of the Middle East, also being popular with French growers exporting to Spain, Portugal and Morocco. His second variety, Nadine, cemented his global reputation, becoming the fifth most widely grown variety in the UK and widely grown in New Zealand and Australia. Jack constantly adapted the criteria he used to select new varieties, trying to anticipate what the market would want some ten years later. A string of successes followed with varieties such as Valor, Swift, Winston, Argos, Kestrel, Harmony and Osprey. The Caithness Group grew into an international, multi-million pound Scottish based seed potato enterprise over the following decades.

Jack’s achievements in the potato industry were recognised through a succession of industry awards, including the James Hardie memorial prize for potato research, the Haig Trophy and the World Potato Congress award for outstanding achievement. He began to write his memoirs in 2000, and, with his second wife Anne (Nancy) Houston, became involved in local philanthropic projects including the construction of a new church hall for his beloved Canisbay church.

He received his MBE in 2004 from Prince Charles for his services to the potato industry. He was also awarded the Dr Patrick Neill Memorial Medal by the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society in 2005 and, in 2012, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Open University in Glasgow.

After Nancy’s death in 2017, Jack continued to follow his passion for potatoes, wild life and wild flowers into his twilight years, eventually retiring to Norfolk to be close to his daughter Catriona.

His family continues into the fifth generation. Despite his widespread international success, in choosing from thousands and thousands of potential seedlings, the lifelong fly fisherman could never quite shake the feeling that ‘the one that got away’ could have been even bigger.

Jack was cremated at a private ceremony in Norfolk on April 27.

His ashes will be interred in Canisbay churchyard, in the Caithness soil from which he sprang.