Siblings from Dumfriesshire have picked up a top prize after winning Quality Meat Scotland’s ‘Farm Kid Diaries’ competition.

Lucy (9), Rory (8) and Abbie (5) from Poldean farm submitted their video as part of the Farm Kid Diaries video series initiative.

With consumers reconnecting with food during lockdown, the Farm Kid Diaries competition tasked children to create a video aimed at connecting the public with farming through the eyes of under-16s living on farms across Scotland.

The Davidson family took part by sending in a video showcasing their sheep, cattle and chickens on their farm and covered topics from sustainability to the health benefits of eating red meat.

The family were surprised to be presented with their prize, £50 of Dalscone farm shop vouchers when judge Kate Rowell, QMS Chair, Zoom called them during QMS’s Virtual Highland show to announce the good news.

“Many congratulations to the Davidson trio on winning the top prize,” said Mrs Rowell.

“I was blown away with the standard of the entries this year with 13 fantastic videos featuring children from farms across Scotland as part of this initiative. Lucy, Rory and Abbie were therefore up against really stiff competition, so their win is a great achievement, and they should be extremely proud of themselves.

“What struck me most about the video was the passion the young stars had for farming. They did a great job of showcasing and explaining what happens on their farm, how animals are reared to the highest of welfare standards and the importance of shopping local, this is a great resource which can educate parents and children.”

The Davidsons were delighted to have won the competition.

“We had great fun recording the videos because I absolutely love living on a farm and love Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb,” Lucy Davidson said.

Farm Kid Diaries season two is available to watch on the QMS social media channels.