One to add to this year’s calender is the Cereals Event, staged in Lincolnshire, if you wish to gain valuable insight into the latest genetics to reach the rotation market.

Growers need to feel confident when introducing any new variety to the rotation, and are looking forward to attending the event on June 30, and July 1.

At the very heart of the Cereals Event are the crop plots, featuring 314 plots including listed and candidate varieties on AHDB’s latest Recommended Lists. Growers will be able to see treated and untreated plots of winter and spring wheat and barley, oilseed rape, linseed, maize and herbage, as well as more niche crops like borage, rye, red wheat and naked oats.

“Resilience has been high on the agenda for growers – with yellow rust and Septoria resistance a key part of this. It has been a difficult few years for crops, with significant pressures from weather extremes, pest and disease challenge, and changes in policy. But not one size fits all so it’s important that growers look at individual profiles,” said Clare Leaman, cereal variety specialist at NIAB.

“New varieties reduce risk by offering growers the latest in breeding development. Importantly, they increase the choice and range of crop profiles, which allows growers to select varieties which are better suited to their conditions, as well as expanding their marketing options,” she added.

Mark Bollebakker, senior field trial manager at AHDB, added: “There are some exciting new varieties on the list this year – but growers need to be looking at their own specific disease pressures and crop challenges rather than focusing on yield.”

Four out of the five new group three wheat varieties will be on display. A development for this group is a notable improvement in Septoria resistance.

“Brown rust resistance is good – but growers will need to look at yellow rust and mildew ratings when selecting varieties for their growing area. Out of the new varieties, Prince has the highest yield but a lower specific weight and mildew resistance,” he said.

Also on display is a new soft group four variety which will be of interest to growers in the North.

“Swallow has shown to have exceptional distilling potential. The Scotch Whisky Research Institute found it consistently outperformed the current varieties in alcohol yield. The variety has very good lodging resistance and good all round disease resistance – its Septoria rating offers particular improvement compared to varieties currently grown for the grain distilling market.” a little later than current leaders and not so strong on brown rust and mildew.”

There are three new two-row winter barleys – Bordeaux, KWS Tardis, and Bolton. All have competitive yields against the six-row varieties, with the latter two varieties offering good lodging resistance. And two new six-row hybrid varieties – SY Kingston and SY Thunderbolt, which offer good specific weights and early maturity, but their resistance to lodging is only moderate and will need careful management,” added Mr Bollebakker.

New additions to the spring barley range expand growers’ choice. Skyway has big malting potential and is currently under testing for brewing by the Maltster’s Association of Great Britain.

“It has the highest treated and untreated yield in trials – and is also an attractive feed variety.”

For growers in the East and West, Cadiz has given high yields.

“It’s a newly recommended feed variety which has given high yields in treated and untreated trials,” he added.

The later date of this year’s Cereals Event means crop plots will be more advanced than in previous years, but they still give visitors a chance to compare varieties side by side while getting the low-down from experts in the field.

“Nothing compares to seeing the crop plots in person, and we’re looking forward to welcoming everyone back onsite in Lincolnshire in June,” concluded event director Alli McEntyre.