Nominations sought for president and vice president roles with voting to take place at NFU Scotland AGM in Glasgow in February 2025

NFUS is now taking nominations for the position of president and its two vice presidential posts.

Any NFUS member can be nominated for election, providing they are proposed and seconded by fellow NFUS members. The presidential position is held for two years, and a president can serve a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms. Under the terms of the constitution, those elected to the position of Vice President will initially serve for two years before the post reverts to an annual election.

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Members of NFU Scotland’s council – a body made up from representatives of each of the Union’s 73 branches - will select the successful candidates.

Current president Martin Kennedy will complete his second two-year term at the Union’s forthcoming AGM and will be standing down as president.

Current vice presidents Andrew Connon and Alasdair Macnab have both indicated at this time that they intend to stand for the position of president.

Anyone wishing to stand as president or vice president should contact NFUS chief executive John Davidson to obtain a proposal form, which must then be signed and returned to him by 5pm on Friday, December 6 2024. Details on who is standing will be announced at the Union’s Christmas Press Briefing on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.

Mr Davidson said: “The job of electing those who will fill our presidential role, and the two vice-presidential posts is now underway, and we invite applications from those keen to lead NFUS and represent the Scottish farming industry.

“Every elected presidential team faces a set of unique situations. The challenges are many and the decisions made by our president and vice presidents on behalf of farmers and crofters will help shape Scottish agriculture and its whole supply chain. They are challenging roles but highly rewarding.

“In the run up to our AGM, conference, dinner and elections in February 2025 – taking place in Glasgow - we will be holding hustings across all of our regions early in the New Year. I want all members to have an opportunity to hear from and speak with the people who come forward to lead the industry.

“Holding the elected office of president or vice president is a great honour. All those who put themselves forward have one thing in common, an ambition to do the best for the Scottish farming and crofting industries. If potential candidates want to learn about what the roles entail, I am able to provide a full explanation of what is expected.

"For those keen to represent their fellow Scottish farmers and crofters, these are the most respected and influential positions in our sector.”