SCOTS have shared their disgust online over Union flags being advertised on Scottish fruit rather than a Saltire.

Sainsbury’s is the latest to feel the scorn of Scottish shoppers as one unhappy customer posted a picture to social media of a punnet of strawberries from Angus with a Union flag on it.

Alongside the picture, the original poster said: “Tell us we’re a colony, without telling us we’re a colony.”

The post soon gathered traction online with many shoppers expressing their disappointment with Sainsbury’s decision not to celebrate Scottish farmers by using a Saltire instead.

(Image: NQ)

Scots flooded the replies of the original post to share their dismay online as one person said: “There was a time, not so very long ago, they would be called Scottish strawberries and a nice thing it was too.

“Something we could be proud of. But no, that niceness has been taken away from us Sainsbury's, but they don’t care.”

Another person simply said: “Simply don’t buy it unless it got a Scottish flag on it support our local farmers.”

While a third person commented: “They've done the same to England. Used to be able to buy English butter, English Cheddar etc.

“Now it's British butter, British cheese, British Apples.”

“If it’s got a Jack, put it back,” said a fourth person.

Sainsbury’s has been approached for comment.