Farmers from across Scotland are being invited to attend the next Roxburgh Monitor Farm open meeting, which seeks to looking at a new approach to farm business management.

The event, scheduled to take place on Wednesday, October 30 at Cowbog Farm, Morebattle, near Kelso, will focus on ‘Maximum Sustainable Output’ (MSO), an approach which practical research on more than 300 farms has shown can optimise output, and improve profitability whilst considering environmental impact.

During the afternoon meeting, visitors will hear from Chris Clark and Brian Scanlon from Nethergill Associates about the MSO work they have done. This has focussed on working out the ‘sweet spot’ where farm businesses become more profitable and nature will be at its optimum.

Chris says: “By working in balance with nature, farming in a more balanced way, maximising the free energy e.g. sunlight at MSO, we are able to ensure that farm businesses plan for maximum profitability.”

While there will be an element of explanation and theory discussed, as well as what the farm’s MSO would be, all attendees, alongside Chris, Brian and monitor farmer Robert Wilson will go out on farm, looking at how this approach will work in practice at Cowbog.

Eric Anderson, senior agronomist with Scottish Agronomy, will discuss what may be possible in terms of soil management to achieve MSO on the predominantly arable and suckler unit.


Maura Wilson, monitor farm regional advisor said: “MSO is a very different way of looking at farm productivity and profitability, with a key focus on making the most of available resources such as sunlight and trying to minimise ‘bought-in’ energy such as feed or fertiliser.

“Each farm has its own MSO or ‘sweet spot’, and this meeting is a great opportunity to see and understand how it will work on this Monitor Farm, and to ask any questions.

“Monitor Farm Scotland is also working with Nethergill Associates to help farm business advisors in Scotland to understand this method so there is support available for anyone who would like to try this approach.”

Booking is essential, tickets and more information is available via Eventbrite: