Charolais crosses from Duncan Semple, Dippen, secured the top prices at United Auctions’ sale of 1673 autumn and spring born calves on Monday.

The pre-sale champion, a 396kg bullock, made 707.10p per kg and £2800, with the same home topping the heifers at 583.3p and £1750 for a 300kg Charolais cross. Bullocks (1008) and heifers (663) averaged 351.63p and 329.39p respectively.

LEADING awards

Autumn born bullocks – 1 and reserve, Mains of Creuchies 546kg £1850; 2, Shanry 558kg £1820; 3, Mains of Creuchies 513kg £1670.

Autumn born heifers – 1, Tom of Cluny 426kg £1580.

Spring born bullock – 1 and champion, Dippen 396kg £2800; 2, Dippen 390kg £1720; 3, Shanry 498kg £1650.

Spring born heifers – 1, Dippen 330kg £1750; 2,Shanry 428kg £1420; 3, Dippen 365kg £1340.

Pen of four – 1, Shanry 553kg £1780; 2, Mains of Creuchies 476kg £1840; 3,Mains of Creuchies 438kg £1410.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – Char – Dippen £2800; Shanry £1820; Shanry £1780; Dippen £1720; Shanry £1650; Shanry £1640. Lim – Mains of Creuchies £1850; Mains of Creuchies £1840 (x6); Lurgan and Coilavoulin £1770; Hilton of Beath £1710 (x2). BB – Mains of Creuchies £1840, £1670, £1580. A-A – Shanry £1540; Percival £1475 (x4); Percival £1380. Sim – Hunting Faulds £1510; Westwood Lane £1370; Rossburn £1360; Dalfask £1310. Saler – Rannagulzion £1340.

Heifers – Char – Dippen £1750; Assloss, Townhead and Shanry £1520 (x5); Assloss £1500; Gribloch £1480. Lim – Coilavoulin £1610; Tom of Cluny, Hilton of Beath and Pervical £1580. Sim – Dalfask £1540, £1500, £1380, £1300. BB – Mains of Creuchies £1410. A-A – Percival £1285 (x6); Percival £1250 (x4).