•     High Mark Farm almost using 100% on site generated renewable power, after re-powering initiative
•    All maintenance and servicing responsibilities passed onto an energy company who leases the land from the farm
•    Farm has no more headaches from down time,or unforeseen repair bills
•    Landowner receives a simple index linked lease and also some free power throughout the lease term

In 2012 John Watson decided to invest in 2 C&F 20kw wind turbines to help mitigate rising electricity costs, as well as add some additional income to the farm and help contribute to his green footprint obligations.

Alongside a successful and long-standing dairy farming operation in the Stranraer region, John’s farm at High Mark also benefits from being located in a coastal site with a terrific wind footprint . 

Owing to the location, the turbines on occasions performed well, but also had periods where they did not work, and John was faced with rising maintenance costs. Fast forward to 2023 and the wind turbine market, in particular, the smaller rated machines had evolved significantly both in terms of quality, availability of parts, reliability of service agreement, efficiency and the ability to capture more wind for the same hub height. 

Coupled with this development in turbine technology, the battery storage market has advanced in that it was now possible to store power for meangingful periods of time. The cost and availability of manageable size battery units had also moved materially. This meant that it was not only possible to combine a more efficient turbine, but also to connect it on the same site without requiring any additional grid capacity. 

A DNO application was put in, that allowed for the installation of a larger rated machine and an increase from the existing 20kW machines to 45 kW as well as install a battery and electricity management system which guaranteed to the DNO that no more than the existing 20 kW would ever be exported. The new generational system is fully G99 and G100 compliant and has been approved by multiple DNOs. 

John took down his old turbines and put up the larger turbines in the first quarter of this year. Since that time John has benefited from being able to take his electricity requirements almost entirely off grid and is purchasing power at a significant discount to his utility provider offering. 

John partnered with an experienced developer who offered John a simple and attractive lease to put up the new turbines and provide a guaranteed index linked long-term lease in return for access to his land to service turbines when required. John didn’t need to put up any capital at all.

This was an excellent case study as to how partnering with a reliable developer and using market leading turbine and battery technology can provide a solution that benefits all parties as well as having material economic and environmental benefits.

Speeca Energy was John‘s chosen partner who has subsequently developed multiple sites in the area keen to help as many similar sites as possible. Speeca provides all capital where required plus legal engineering and total project management expertise to allow farmers to do what they do best with their businesses whilst generating a rental income.  Speeca offered John a guaranteed rental index linked income, the starting value is based from the last three years average production figures, along with some free electricity and the option to purchase additional power at a reduced rate, thus offering some protection against rising power prices in the future.

This has given John a guaranteed income with no fixed costs which is a significant increase both in the income and ease compared to the old turbines he had. 

Speeca can offer a 20 year lease with the guaranteed rent paid until the end of the existing FITs contract and should a new scheme be launched at the end of the term a further agreement to apply the guaranteed rental income for the duration of the term of the replacement scheme. Should there be no new fit scheme then the foc electric still applies and Speeca will keep maintaining the turbine which then means the client has no costs but a greatly reduced electricity bill.

If you would like to see how Speeca Energy can be helpful help with your site, and how a re-powering could work for you, please reach out to christian.nelson@speecaenergy.com | 07809 860708