United Auctions have made a concerted effort to make sure children can attend the upcoming Highland Cattle Society show and sale in the safest way possible.

The Society announced on social media this week that the were complying with the UA-set out ruling that there would be a ‘strict no children policy in the penning area of the market at any time, other than those who had pre-completed registration and complied with the rules of the young handlers competition during the show on Sunday, October 13’.

However, as those attending the show and sale worried that this meant children would be unable to be present, United Auctions managing director George Purvis explained that this would not be the case.

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Mr Purvis told the Scottish Farmer: “It is the case that children should not be allowed in the penning area, but this is not a new rule. It has been a longstanding health and safety policy for United Auctions.

“It is for the safety of children – we have the responsibility when they are on our premise, to keep them safe.

“There are signs up explaining this at our sales, and have been for some time. There is also an explanation in Bull Sales catalogues, and for all sales there are clear rules that children should not be in the sale ring.”

Mr Purvis continued: “However, this does not mean that children cannot attend the show and sale at Oban, we have set up an area where they will be able to view both, but in a safe environment.

“It is not a case of spoiling the fun, it is a case of making sure everyone is safe while they are there, and the set up of the market in Oban allows for that.”