People who work on farms are being reminded that no person under the age of 13 should be driving, or be a passenger, in an agricultural vehicle.

This comes on the back of a farmer who has been convicted after allowing his grandchild to illegally ride in his tractor in Swansea.

Video footage captured by a neighbour showed the moment a farmer allowed one of his grandchildren to illegally ride in his tractor that led to his conviction.

William Walters, 78, was given a 12 month community order after he was spotted with the child in the tractor cab as he fed cattle on his farm in South Wales.

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Mr Walters had already been issued with a prohibition notice by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in November 2020 after admitting to inspectors he allowed his pre-teen grandchildren to ride in his tractor. However, just two months later, he was filmed by his neighbour breaching the terms of that notice.

Mr Walters pleaded guilty to breaching section 33(1)(g) Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. He was given a 12 month community order and ordered to pay £3000 in costs.

NFUS transport advisor, Jamie Smart, said: “No person under the age of 13 should drive or be carried in an agricultural vehicle – that’s the law.

“I do have some sympathy for someone who wants to give a young person a shot in a tractor, but you all know it can go too far.

“It’s not only the danger for the young person, but it is also what can happen if they are left alone in a cab and are tempted to touch controls, or if you’re driving and lose concentration when they distract you.”

Mr Smart continued: “I can fully understand the need for the law. Also, there is usually only a lap belt in the second seat in a tractor cab, ad that’s not suitable or legal for holding them safely.

“As children get older is becomes more about their ability to touch things they shouldn’t be touching, or falling out of the cab.

“The law applies to all agricultural vehicles. It is to keep young people and farm workers safe. A farm is a place of work – you wouldn’t let your small child run about in a factory, so the same logic should apply.”

Commenting on the matter, HSE inspector Simon Breen said: “The law around children being allowed in the cabs of any agricultural vehicle is very clear. For any child to ride on agricultural machinery like a tractor is unsafe and illegal.

“The fact this farmer chose to ignore a prohibition notice for putting his grandchildren at risk is all the more staggering.

“We will take action against those who break the law.

“The solution is very simple - young children should never ride in agricultural vehicles.”

HSE advice on keeping children safe:

- Children must not be allowed in the farm workplace (young children should enjoy outdoor space in a secure fenced area).

- Any access to the farm workplace by children under 16, for example for education, or knowledge/experience, must be planned and fully supervised by an adult not engaged in any work activity.

- Children under the age of 13 years are specifically prohibited from driving or riding on any agricultural machine. It is illegal.

- Properly trained, instructed, and supervised older children may, in tightly controlled circumstances, be able to help with some straightforward low risk tasks.