A man that kept sheep in horrendous conditions has been banned from keeping livestock for five years.

Nathan Hollis, a keeper of Stoke Heath, Bromsgrove, pleaded guilty to four offences at Worcester Magistrates Court on Friday, June 21.

Animal Health Officers from Worcestershire County Council’s Trading Standards service shared grim details of the state of the animals they found at a piece of land off Withybed Lane in Inkberrow.

Working with vets from the Animal Plant Health Agency and an RSPCA Inspector, the team found animals suffering from maggot infestations so severe that their skin was decaying.

Further inspection of the land revealed an even more distressing scene, with several carcasses found in various states of decay around the premises.

Also, an illegal bonfire had been made in an attempt to dispose of some sheep carcasses.

(Image: Worcestershire County Council)

Hollis, who was the director of TTL Agri Limited – the company registered as the keeper of the sheep at this location - pleaded guilty to four offences, including causing unnecessary suffering to three sheep under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and a number under the Animal By-Product Regulations 2013, including failing to prevent other animals having access to carcasses, failing to dispose of carcasses without undue delay and failing to dispose of sheep carcasses in a manner prescribed in law.

Worcester Magistrates Court handed Hollis a 12-month community order, mandating 270 hours of unpaid work.

The court also ordered him to pay £6,448.96 in costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

Furthermore, he received a banning order preventing him from involvement with livestock for five years.

Simon Wilkes, the head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services, said: "This was a shocking case of causing animal suffering.

"The keeping of livestock requires a significant commitment of time and there is a lot that needs to be understood to do this safely and successfully.

"Keepers have a duty of care to treat animals adequately; where animals die, they must deal with the situation correctly and in a timely manner to minimise the risk of the spread of diseases. "

David Collins, veterinary head for Field Delivery – Western Region, of the Animal and Plant Health Agency, said: "I welcome the outcome of this case and hope it will act as a clear reminder to others of the importance of adhering to animal welfare legislation, which is there to protect animals from this kind of treatment."