Following widespread concerns among growers about the unnecessary costs and disruption caused by the UK's new Border Control Post (BCP) inspections, the NFU is urging the government to collaborate with the industry to find a swift solution.

The British Society of Plant Breeders (BSPB) has highlighted significant delays in the importation of oilseed rape varieties from the EU. These consignments have been held up at BCPs, threatening the timely progression of essential trials. The BSPB warned that if these trials are delayed, it could prevent growers from accessing the latest and best varieties, as new varieties must pass DUS (distinctness, uniformity, and stability) and VCU (value for cultivation use) tests before they can be marketed.

The deadline for these seeds to be ready for trials is 10 August, making the delays particularly concerning. The BSPB has called on Defra to amend the process since its introduction in March, warning that UK supply chains operating in competitive markets will continue to face disadvantages and increased costs if changes are not made.

The new BCP inspections, which began on 30 April, include physical and identity checks on medium and high-risk animal products, plants, and plant products entering the UK from the EU. These controls are part of the UK’s Border Target Operating Model (BTOM), which introduces a risk-based approach to import checks on goods entering the country.

The NFU has consistently warned of potential delays following the introduction of these checks. For horticulture businesses, the shift of controls from their own premises to BCPs adds an additional risk to a highly bio-secure, ‘just-in-time’ supply chain. This could lead to long delays, with the potential for plants to be damaged or destroyed.

Martin Emmett, chair of the NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board, responded to the growing concerns: “We have been warning of issues for grower businesses following changes to Border Control Posts for several years.

“The results of these concerns are now having real-life impacts on businesses’ ability to operate and plan ahead for next season. It is vital that the new government understands the extent of the issues, and we work together towards achieving solutions as quickly as possible. This will ensure businesses can trade smoothly and continue producing fresh fruit, vegetables and plants for the nation.”

The BSPB's concerns are echoed by the British Tomato Growers’ Association (BTGA), which has reported delays of up to six weeks for tomato seeds being held at BCPs for re-testing, despite being certified as disease-free before being dispatched to Britain. These delays are causing serious economic impacts on businesses, leading to delays in sowing and the subsequent delivery of tomato plants to growers.

In response to these issues, a Defra spokesperson stated: “Our border posts have the sufficient capacity needed to efficiently handle the volume of checks required, while our inspectors have undertaken extensive training to ensure goods are treated safely and with care. We will continue to work with and support businesses throughout this process to maintain the smooth flow of imported goods.”

As the situation develops, the NFU and other industry bodies continue to press for urgent changes to the inspection process to prevent further disruptions and ensure the UK's agricultural supply chains remain competitive.