THE juices will soon be flowing at a Borders farm after approval was granted for an apple pressing shed.

Scottish Borders Council (SBC) last week granted go-ahead for the shed at Spital Tower Farm.

The building will be finished in timber with cladded walls beneath a sheet metal roof in slate blue.

The application site is situated within the Teviot Valley’s Special Landscape Area.

In his report approving the application, Alla Hassan, SBC assistant planning officer, states: “The applicant has confirmed that the apples will be sourced solely from the farm and therefore the proposal falls within agricultural development

“Whilst it is noted that it would be preferable for the shed to be situated amongst other farm buildings/working farmyard, the applicant has confirmed that is has been specifically located there close to the access track to provide a more convenient access and overall easier use for the proposed development.

“Therefore on balance the siting of the proposal is considered to be justified and acceptable.

“Although the proposed structure will generally have an agriculture appearance, it does have a gable and upper floor (with rooflights). Despite this, the applicant has confirmed that the pressing shed will strictly operate on the ground floor and upper floors will only be used for storage purposes.

“Consequently, the proposal is considered to be acceptable in terms of its siting, scale, form, design and materials.

“It would be sited at a considerable distance from public vantage points and therefore there will be no significant adverse visual impacts to the locality or wider Special Landscape Area.”