As the harvest season approaches, farm workers are being urged to note an important safety message: ‘Look up it's live’. This campaign aims to reduce incidents involving overhead power lines, which pose significant risks to those working in agriculture.

Overhead power lines, carrying up to 132,000 volts, can cause severe or fatal electrocution if farm machinery comes too close or makes contact. Northern Powergrid’s ‘Look up it’s live’ campaign emphasises the need for awareness, especially during the busy harvest period when fatigue and low light conditions can impair judgment.

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Gareth Pearson, Northern Powergrid's director of safety, highlights the urgency: “The launch of our summer safety campaign is targeted at farmers who are actively harvesting their crops and are out and about on countryside roads.

Northern Powergrid is taking proactive steps to engage with the farming community, starting with the upcoming Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate from July 9-12. Here, safety engineers will be available to discuss how to avoid the dangers associated with electricity and staying safe near power networks. Attendees can receive safety packs, which include advice leaflets, safety stickers, air fresheners, and the new safety booklet.

Gareth added: “We’d encourage members of the farming and agriculture industry to read our free safety information and drop into our stand at the show to speak with our safety experts and get a free safety pack and brochure.”

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Power line safety tips for farmers:

• Inform workers: Make sure everyone working near power lines understands the dangers and knows what actions to take in an emergency.

• Maintain distance: Remember, electricity can arc between one and seven meters, so avoid close proximity to power lines.

• Assess every situation: Ground levels and conditions may change, affecting clearance levels. Conduct risk assessments each time.

• Emergency readiness: Always carry a mobile phone and have the emergency number 105 saved.

*Emergency actions:

• Drive clear: If possible, move well away from the danger and call 105.

• Stay in the cab: If it's unsafe to drive away, remain in the cab, call 105, and warn others to stay clear.

• Exit safely: If you must leave the cab, jump clear without touching the vehicle and the ground simultaneously, landing with both feet together.

• Leaping strides: Move away in leaping strides, ensuring one foot is always off the ground to prevent a continuous path for electricity.