A NEW farm safety campaign called ‘Have a Break – Tiredness Kills’ has been launched by the National Association of Agricultural Contractors (NAAC) to highlight the dangers of fatigue in the agricultural sector.

Unveiled on social media on July 15, this initiative is in collaboration with Nestlé and the Farm Safety Partnership.

It is aiming to capture farmers’ attention and encourage them to take breaks.

The agricultural industry has the highest fatality rate among all sectors, with death rates per 100,000 workers significantly exceeding other industries.

Over the past five years, the injury rate in farming has been about 21 times higher than the all-industry average. Despite numerous campaigns, these statistics have seen little improvement.

NAAC has observed that farm fatalities often increase following busy periods like harvest time. Research indicates that driver fatigue contributes to up to 20% of road accidents and a quarter of serious and fatal incidents.

Fatigue impairs reaction times, information processing, memory, awareness, and co-ordination, leading to increased risk of accidents and reduced productivity.

The campaign is emphasising the importance of recognising the risks of extended working hours, which are prevalent due to the industry’s demands and pressures such as weather conditions and workforce shortages.

NAAC stresses that taking breaks is crucial, even though continuous care for livestock and crops can make it challenging for operators to find opportunities to rest.