By correspondent

Iain Grant

Photographs by Robert MacDonald

Jojo, a heifer calf from Graham Sutherland, was crowned overall champion of champions at the weather-blessed Caithness Show.

Forecasts of regular downpours proved wide of the mark as a shirt-sleeved crowd of more than 6000 enjoyed dry, humid conditions at the 181st show at Thurso East.

Standing supreme was a five-month-old Limousin cross British Blue heifer calf from Graham Sutherland’s commercial herd run at The Antlers, Occumster, just north of Lybster.

She is sired by the Limousin bull Powerful Proper and proved an ‘easy winner’ for the judge Lee Coghill, Orkney.

“She is particularly well dressed and well turned out. She’s a really smart calf. Very stylish and she just took the eye,” said Mr Coghill, who runs 130 commercial cattle and a few pedigree Limousins and Charolais on his holding at Newbigging, Birsay.

Reserve overall cattle champion was the Simmental, Mavsey Pizzazz from J and J Gunn, Mavsey, Lybster

Reserve overall cattle champion was the Simmental, Mavsey Pizzazz from J and J Gunn, Mavsey, Lybster

Reserve among the cattle was Jonathan Gunn’s Simmental champion, Mavsey Pizzazz, a 17-month-old bull by Caithness Jenson out of Mavsey Glitzy. He was reserve continental champion at Latheron the previous week.

Reserve overall champion of champions was the supreme horse from the Hools Shetland Pony Stud in Orkney run by Kelly Peace. The two-year-old, home-bred filly, Hools J’Taime, is by Email of St Ninian and out of Hools Janet.

Overall judge John Coghill, from Skinnet, Halkirk, said: “It was a close call between the calf and the Sheltie. The pony stood very well and was very easy on the eye.”

Supreme horse and reserve champion of champions was the Shetland pony, Hools Je Taime, from Kelly Peace, Hools Shetland Pony Stud

Supreme horse and reserve champion of champions was the Shetland pony, Hools Je T'aime, from Kelly Peace, Hools Shetland Pony Stud

Reserve horse was the lead rein and light-legged leader, Rushfield White Knight, a seven-year-old owned by Nicola Manson, from Thurso and ridden by her six-year-old daughter Zara.

The sheep lines were topped by a trio from the Sutherland family’s commercial flock from Sibmister and Stainland Farms, near Thurso. Their four-crop Suffolk cross ewe was shown with twin Texel wedder lambs at foot having stood third in their class at the Royal Highland.

Achscrabster Eye Catcher was champion park-type North Country Cheviot for J and W Mackay, Biggins Farm

Achscrabster Eye Catcher was champion park-type North Country Cheviot for J and W Mackay, Biggins Farm

Reserve sheep was the Half-bred champion, a black faced gimmer from William Barnetson and Son, Lynegar, Watten.

She was bought from Messrs Shearer, Lythmore at Quoybrae last year, and is a pet sheep owned by four-year-old Jamie Barnetson and his two-year-old brother Logan.

Hill-type North Counrty Cheviot champion from The Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Castle of Mey Trust, Longoe Farm, Mey

Hill-type North Counrty Cheviot champion from The Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Castle of Mey Trust, Longoe Farm, Mey

Overall sheep judge Rod Mackenzie, from Munlochy, said: “It was a great show of sheep and any of those in the final line-up could have won. But when I saw the ewe and pair of lambs come into the ring, it was just wow – The ewe has such presence and the lambs were very well matched and beautifully shown.”

Non MV accredited Texel champion from A Bissett and S Blackwood, Mill Farm, Durran

Non MV accredited Texel champion from A Bissett and S Blackwood, Mill Farm, Durran

LEADING awards

Aberdeen Angus (Judge: Lee Coghill, Muce Farm, Orkney). Champion – J and J Gunn, Mavsey, Lybster, with the seven-year-old cow Tonley Ester T435, bred by Neil Wattie and bought at the Stirling Bull Sales in 2019 after standing reserve female champion. By Warrento Emperor, she was native champion at Latheron the previous week. Sole entry.

Shorthorn (Judge: L Coghill). Champion – A and S Polson, Westerloch, Wick, with the two-year-old heifer, Foxy bought at Stirling in February. Reserve – A and S Polson, with the two-year-old heifer, Fiery, bought the same day as the champion at Stirling in February. Senior heifer – A and S Polson. Junior heifer – D and C Coghill, Knockdee Farm, Halkirk.

Charolais (Judge: L Coghill). Champion – G Oag, Achiebeg, Shebster with the 25-month-old bull Shebster Tam, by the AI sire, Blelack Digger and out of Shebster Leah. Reserve – G Oag with two-month-old bull calf Shebster Viper, by the AI bull Goldies Eddy and out of Shebster Pip. All classes – G Oag.

Simmental (Judge: L Coghill). Champion and reserve cattle – J and J Gunn, Mavsey, with the17-month-old bull Mavsey Pizzazz, by Caithness Jenson and out of Mavsey Glitzy. Reserve – J and J Gunn with Corskie Jackpot, a seven-year-old stock bull by Dirnanean Bradley out of Corskie Frolic. Champion here last year. All classes – J and J Gunn.

Any other continental (Judge: L Coghill). Champion – G Oag with Brims Untouchable, a 14-month-old Limousin bull by the AI sire Wilodge Cerberus, out of the home-bred cow Brims Ola. He is a full brother to the heifer Brims Tessa that was reserve overall cattle champion here last year. Reserve – G Oag with the 14-month-old heifer Brims Uriah, by the same sire as the champion and out of Brims Pearl. Continental champion and reserve overall cattle at Latheron.

Commercial cattle (Judge: L Coghill). Champion and overall champion of champions – G Sutherland, The Antlers, Occumster with Jojo, a February-born Limousin cross British Blue heifer calf by Powerful Proper and out of a Blue cross heifer. Reserve – G Sutherland with the February-born Limousin cross heifer Belinda by the AI Limousin sire Red River Powerful out of a home-bred cow. Cow, heifer in calf or in milk, cow and calf, 2024-born calf – G Sutherland. Heifer born before May 31, 2023; June 1-Sept 30, 2023-born heifer, butcher’s animal – Sophie Tucker, Wick. Steer born before May 31, 2023 – Swanson, Framside, Calder. Steer calf born after February 1, 2024 – DG Kennedy, Tresdale, Canisbay. Charolais cross heifer born before October 1, 2023 – Kerry Macleod, Folly Farm. Pen of three calves born after January 1, 2024 – C Mackay, East Murkle. AI animal – G Oag.

YFC calves (Judge: L Coghill). Pedigree calf born Mar 1-Sept 1, 2023 – W Oag, Achiebeg, Shebster with Brims Una. Commercial calf born Mar 1 and Sept 1, 2023 – S Tucker with Talia.

Cattle young handlers – Aged 8-12yrs – Matthew Tucker, Wick. 13-16yrs – S Tucker.

Supreme sheep were the commercial champions from three generations of the Sutherland family from Stainland and Sibmister Farms pictured are grand-father Kenneth, with from left, Kenneth, (jnr), Amy, Tom Stephen and Jack

Supreme sheep were the commercial champions from three generations of the Sutherland family from Stainland and Sibmister Farms pictured are grand-father Kenneth, with from left, Kenneth, (jnr), Amy, Tom Stephen and Jack

Border Leicester (Judge: I Walker, Laigh Alticane, Pinwherry, Ayrshire). Champion – A Miller and Sons, Aimster with an April-born, ewe lamb by a West Forth tup. Reserve – A Miller and Sons with a tup bought as a lamb from John Barrowman, Knockglass. All classes – A Miller and Sons.

Suffolk (Judge: D Mackenzie, South Mains of Tillymorgan, Insch). Champion – B and L Swanson, East Murkle, with a one-crop home-bred ewe by a Cairnton tup. Reserve – P and E Mackay, 6 Forss with a January-born ewe lamb out of a Jalex ewe and by Frongoy Rocket. Ewe, shearling ram, tup lamb, gimmer – B and L Swanson. Ewe lamb – P and E Mackay.

Half-bred (Judge: I Walker). Champion and reserve overall sheep – W Barnetson and Son, Lynegar, Watten, with a black headed gimmer bought from the Shearers, Lythmore at Quoybrae in August last year. Owned by four year-old Jamie Barnetson and his brother Logan. Reserve – Louise Coghill, Skinnet with a ewe. Gimmer – W Barnetson and Son. Ewe – L Coghill. Ewe lambs – Messrs Sutherland, Sibmister and Stainland. Farms. Three ewe lambs – A Miller and Sons.

Prime lambs (Judge: I Macleay, Armadale Farm, Armadale). Champion – J Campbell and Co, Todholes, Thurso with two Texel crosses by the home-bred tup Todholes Rascal and out of a ewe by a Bardnaheigh ram. Reserve – K Sutherland, Dunbeath Farms. Two NCC or Half-bred, two Suffolk, two any other native prime lambs – I Campbell and Co. Two novice continental-sired lambs – LMoodie, Quoyshakes Farm, Wick.

NCC (park-type) (Judge: R Sutherland, Halkirk). Champion – J and W Mackay, Biggins Farm, Wick with the shearling tup Achscrabster Eyecatcher bred at Achscrabster and sired by a Cairnside ram. Reserve – J Henderson, 2 Seaview Cottages, Dunnet with a gimmer by a Skirza tup and out of a home-bred ewe. Shearling ram, aged ram – J and W Mackay. Two-shear ram – Beth Thomson, Achscrabster, Westfield. Tup lamb, ewe, ewe lamb – DN Campbell and Sons, Bardnaclavan, Westfield.

NCC groups (Judge: R Sutherland) – Champion – J Henderson with three gimmers. Reserve – B Thomson with three ewe lambs.

NCC hill-type (Judge: J Sutherland, Durness). Champion and reserve – The Queen Elizabeth Castle of Mey Trust. Supreme was a shearling tup, sired by Philiphaugh V14956 and out of a ewe from the Longoe flock by Longoe Excel. Reserve was a four-crop ewe by Longoe Whisky Galore and out of a home-bred ewe by Attonburn Lionheart. Shearling ram, ewe – The Queen Elizabeth Castle of Mey Trust. Aged ram – J Ross, Golval. Two-shear ram, ewe lamb – A Campbell, Mill House, Thurso. Tup lamb, gimmer – M Kirk, Hollandmake, Barrock.

Blackface (Judge: S Duncan, Tomnavoulin, Ballindalloch). Champion – Neve Sutherland, Bardnaheigh, Halkirk with a gimmer by a tup from Scott Robertson, Avonside and out of a home-bred ewe. Reserve – Abby Miller, Rockhill, Latheron with a tup lamb. Gimmer, shearling tup, ewe, ewe lamb – N Sutherland. Tup lamb – A Miller

Any other native (Judge: S Duncan). Champion – Neve Sutherland with a two-crop South Country Cheviot ewe by a Chateau sire out of a home-bred ewe. Reserve – DA and K Douglas, Achnamoine Farm, Watten with a late March-born, crossing-type Bluefaced Leicester ewe lamb by a Dalpeddar tup and out of a home-bred ewe. Aged ram, shearling ram, gimmer, ewe – N Sutherland. Tup lamb – DA and K Douglas.

Commercial sheep (Judge: I Walker). Champion – Messrs Sutherland with a four-crop Suffolk cross ewe with twin Texel wedder lambs at foot. Third at the Royal Highland. Reserve – W Barnetson and Sons with a four-crop Texel cross Cheviot Mule ewe. By a home-bred Texel sire. First outing. Ewe and lambs – Messrs Sutherland. Ewe – W Barnetson and Sons. NCC ewe or gimmer with lambs – A Miller and Sons.

Cross sheep (Judge: I Macleay). Champion – Messrs Sutherland with a March-born Texel cross Suffolk ewe lamb by a home-bred tup. Fifth at the Royal Highland. Reserve – Messrs Sutherland with home-bred ewe. Ewe, ewe lamb – Messrs Sutherland. Gimmer – W Barnetson and Sons.

Texel (MV) (Judge: D Webster, Lower Reiss Farm, Reiss). Champion – J Coghill, Burnside, Huna with a shearling tup by Rhaeadr Entrepreneur and out of a Clanfield ewe. Reserve – A Gunn, The Shiean, Thurso with a gimmer by Auldhouseburn Fancy Pants out of a Hilltop-bred ewe. Shearling ram, tup lamb – J Coghill. Gimmer, ewe lamb – A Gunn. Ewe – D Bain, Kennachy, Forss.

Texel (non-MV) (Judge: E Macarthur, Newton of Budgate Farm, Nairn). Champion – Messrs Bisset and Blackwood, Mill Farm, Durran, with a February-born tup lamb by a Lower Reiss sire and out of a home-bred ewe. Champion at Latheron. Reserve – Messrs Bisset and Blackwood with a sister of the champion. Tup lamb, ewe lamb – Messrs Bisset and Blackwood. Aged ram, shearling ram – J Campbell and Co. Ewe – W Mackay, Oldfield Terrace, Thurso. Gimmer – W Campbell, Thurso.

Any other continental (Judge: G Troup, Shaggart Farm, Sauchen, Inverurie). Champion – Ellie Bain, Kennachy, Forss with a March-born Blue Texel tup lamb sired by Hunters Frontier out of a home-bred ewe. Reserve – DA and K Douglas with a December-born Charollais ewe lamb by Foxhill Bandit and out of a Braemuir-bred ewe. Second at Latheron. Tup lamb – Ellie Bain. Ewe lamb, ewe – DA and K Douglas. Aged tup – K and N Mackay, Smithy House, East Mey. Shearling tup – J Swanson, Framside, Calder. Gimmer – J and A Budge, Knockglass Farm, Watten.

Inter-breed pure sheep group (Judge: R Mackenzie, Muirton, Munlochy). Champion – J Coghill with three Texels. Reserve – M Kirk with three hill Cheviots.

Inter-breed sheep group (Judge: R Mackenzie). Champion – Messrs Sutherland with three commercials. Reserve – J Campbell and Co with three prime lambs.

Fleece competition (Judge: S Henderson, British Wool, Evanton). Champion – H Sutherland, Drummuie, Golspie, with a natural coloured fleece. Reserve – Chloe Anderson, Plewlands, Duffus, winner of fine fleece class. Medium fleece – H Sutherland. Greyface Mule and lustre fleece – C Anderson. NCC fleece and mountain fleece – DA and K Douglas.

Sheep young handlers (Judge: R Mackenzie). Champion – Ryan Miller, Latheron (up to 11 age group winner). Reserve – Adam Mackay, Forss (12-16yrs winner).

Clydesdale (Judge: J Graham, Mains of Burnbank, Blair Drummond). Champion – M and J Munro, Holly View, Janetstown, with Gersa Lady Emma, a two-year-old filly by Collessie Monarch out of Gersa Lady Lauren that was champion here last year. Third in the foal class at the 2022 World Clydesdale Show in Aberdeen. Reserve – Isla Miller, Quarryside Crofthouse, East Murkle with the 12-year-old Stobilee Zac by Great American GW Corver and out of Stobilee Ruby. The partnership finished supreme ridden champions at the World Clydesdale Show in Aberdeen in 2022. They have also twice stood reserve champion at the Horse of the Year Show and have won the ridden class at the Royal Highland. Harness, four years and over – I Miller. Young handlers – Chloe Greig, Murkle View, Thurso.

Highland ponies (Judge: A Baird, Burrelton, Blairgowrie). Champion – Margaret Anderson, Broynach, Claredon, by Thurso with Lochlands Daisy Jane, a three-year-old cream dun filly. By Lochlands Royal Flute and out of Lonedhu Primrose, she won her class at the show in Thurso as a yearling. Reserve – Margaret Anderson with Moss-Side Winter Thyme, an 11-year-old mare sired by Moss-side Domhnach with Moss-side her dam. Three-year-old gelding – Ashleigh Campbell, Castle View House, March Road, Wick. Ridden, four years and over – Jacky MacMillan, East Durran, near Castletown.

Shetland ponies (Judge: Jane Barry, Upper Braefindon, Ross-shire). Champion and reserve overall horse – Hools Shetland Pony Stud, Toab, Orkney with Hools Je T’aime, a two-year-old black home-bred filly, by Email of St Ninian out of Hools Janet. Best one/two-year-old at last year’s breed show on the Black Isle and champion foal at Orkney Show. First outing for new owner Kerry Peace. Reserve – Millquoy Shetland Pony Stud, Firth with Millquoy Daybreak, a 10-year-old black mare and regular on the Orkney show circuit, completed a 1/2 for the island on her debut at Caithness. She is by Drum Premier and out of Millquoy Drummie’s Dawn. Foal – Millquoy. Yeld mare – Hools. Gelding – Bethany Swanson, Framside, Calder. Miniature Shetland – Two/three-year-old and champion miniature – Vivien Budge, Morvenview, Halkirk. Four years and over and reserve miniature – Anica Polson, Westerloch. Gelding – Ella Farquhar, Wick.

Mixed standard and miniature Shetland – Coloured – B Swanson. Ridden four years and over – Blaire Patterson, Forss. Young handlers – Hannah Taylor, Framside, Calder.

Donkeys (Judge: J Graham). Champion – R Streight, Tardree House, Thrumster with Patrick. Reserve – Rebecca Budd, 45 Oldhall, Watten with Marshmallow.

Pigs (Judge: D Bridgeford, Petley Farm, Tain). Champion – M Tucker, Smith Terrace, Wick, with the 10-day-old cross Pietrain boar Malteser. Reserve – Sophie Tucker, with the February 2023-born cross Pietrain sow Ivy.

Goats (Judge: Meg Sinclair, Balnabruich House, Dunbeath). Champion – Claire Lowe, Rampyards, Watten with her five-year-old Pygmy goat Maisy.