Leading global research organization Phibro Animal Health, specializing in animal health and mineral nutrition, has collaborated with Galebreaker, manufacturers and designers of weather screen systems. Together, they have developed a Temperature Humidity Index (THI) monitoring website, a brand-new resource tool for farmers.

The two businesses have worked together to install internet-enabled temperature and humidity dataloggers in sheds throughout the UK, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Feeding real-time data back to the THI-Live website, they provide live, in-shed conditions.

The website provides key design features of each shed in which dataloggers are installed, allowing farmers to gain insight into factors that could be influencing in-shed THI levels and what these results can, in turn, mean for livestock.

The new website also enables farmers and advisers to calculate their own shed THI level if they have live in-shed temperature and humidity levels available. With links to the corresponding company websites, farmers and advisers can investigate both nutritional and ventilation-related solutions to help alleviate heat stress in dairy herds.

THI-Live aims to expand this network of dataloggers, and dairy farmers are encouraged to get in touch with either Phibro or Galebreaker to purchase their own device with the benefit of bespoke THI analysis of their sheds.

Visit the THI monitoring website at: www.thi-live.com