Perthshire-based Binn Group, a leading name in recycling and resource management, has reaffirmed its commitment to the farming heritage of the region by extending its sponsorship of the Perth Show for another year.

The MacGregor family, owners of Binn Group, have a long history of supporting this annual agricultural showcase through both financial donations and support in kind. Their latest five-figure contribution is set to sustain the two-day event held on Perth’s South Inch on August, Friday 2 and Saturday 3, this summer.

John MacGregor, Binn Group chairman, reminisced about his family's deep-rooted connection with the Perth Show, which dates back to the early 1970s when he operated a trade stand selling Binn Farm Fresh Meats from their award-winning herd at Glenfarg farms.

He describes: “I’ve been in farming all my life and I know the work that goes into staging Perth Show every year.

“As a local business, I want to support what has been a key event on the Perthshire calendar for over 150 years and help ensure it continues to prove a draw for local townspeople as well as the farming and equestrian communities from across Scotland.”

The involvement of three generations of the MacGregor family in Binn Group highlights their enduring support for Perth Show. John’s son Allan and grandson Guy are equally enthusiastic about their sponsorship role.

Guy said: “Perth Show has always been part of our lives both as children and adults.

“We’re happy to have Binn Group’s name associated with this major event as key sponsor yet again.”

Perth Show chairman David Barclay expressed gratitude for the unwavering support from Binn Group and the MacGregor family, acknowledging their crucial role in the event's success over the years. Initially participating as trade stand holders, the family has evolved into key sponsors.

David mentioned: “We’re hugely grateful to them for being our key sponsor again for 2024. They are the most established and longest-serving key sponsors we have ever had, and their ongoing support is vital to the show’s success.”

David also praised Binn Group's contribution beyond financial assistance, highlighting their waste management services before, during, and after the event, as well as their impressive trade stand featuring hanging baskets and state-of-the-art vehicles.

Further cementing their bond with the event, the MacGregor family sponsors the MacGregor Trophy, awarded to the best young bull at the show. Additionally, John MacGregor has served as Patron of Perth Show for the past 11 years, a role he regards with ‘honour and pride.’

John said: “Perth Show is a key feature on both the city’s and the agricultural community’s calendar and as farmers and businesspeople we realise its importance to the local community, the local economy, tourism, and farming.

“I’m honoured to be patron and delighted that Binn Group continues to play its part in supporting such an important event.”