An experienced Welsh shearer will be making a record-breaking attempt to shear sheep across nine hours later this month.

Meirion Evans from Machynlleth, North Wales has been busy shearing in recent weeks and has spent months preparing himself both mentally and physically for his nine-hour British ewe record attempt in Machynlleth on July 13.

Meirion (25) works on the family beef and sheep farm, keeping Limousin cross Welsh Black cows and mainly Texel cross Mule ewes with some Welsh Mountain and Speckled Hill. He also has a local contract shearing business which keeps him busy over the summer months and travels to New Zealand over the winter.

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Meirion said: “Shearing has already given me many opportunities including seven seasons working in New Zealand – this is a great way to improve and also to make new friends.”

Commenting on what motivated him to attempt the record, he continued: “I have helped at several record attempts over the years, I enjoyed being a part of the team and supporting shearers to do their best in whatever record they were attempting. I also very much liked the atmosphere and wanted to attempt the record myself. “

Gareth Jones, head of member engagement at British Wool said: “Record attempts are an excellent opportunity to promote the quality of British wool to wider audiences and showcase the highly skilled individuals driving the industry forward.

“As a member organisation, British Wool is committed to supporting champions as representatives and ambassadors. We’re delighted to be supporting Meirion to help him achieve his goals and wish him the very best of luck.”