The establishment of a new Wildlife and Species Forum has been welcomed by rural business organisation Scottish Land and Estates (SLE).

The forum will facilitate engagement between land management interests, Ministers and senior officials on key areas of wildlife, species and associated land management policy.

Ministers and officials will explore collaborative policy opportunities that align with a just transition to net zero.

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Ross Ewing, director of moorland at SLE, said: “ We wholeheartedly welcome this announcement by the Scottish Government and NatureScot and give the creation of the forum our unstinting support.

“This is something that we, alongside NFUS, urged NatureScot to embrace particularly at a time when the regulator is taking on additional licensing responsibilities.

“We are heartened by the fact that NatureScot and the Scottish Government have responded positively. We hope that policy evolves with the needs of applicants and will involve taking a risk-based adaptive management approach.”

Agriculture Minister Jim Fairlie announced the new forum at the Royal Highland Show.