The Scottish Tories launched their rural manifesto at the Royal Highland Show as the party hit out at the Scottish Government claiming it has let the agriculture sector down.

Rural affairs spokesperson Rachael Hamilton told attendees the SNP in government has repeatedly let Scotland’s farmers, crofters and agriculture sector down” during their 17 years in office.

The measures in the manifesto includes: supporting an increase of the UK-wide farming budget by £1bn over the course of the next parliament; allowing the use of gene editing technology; introducing a Young Person’s Agri-Enterprise Fund to support new entrants into the sector and tabling a Rural Theft Bill to tackle rural crime.

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Ms Hamilton said: “Rural Scotland has been shamefully neglected by a central-belt focused SNP Government over the last 17 years.

“Our dedicated rural manifesto clearly shows how we are the voice of these communities who feel abandoned by ministers in Holyrood.

“That feeling is particularly strong among our farming and agricultural communities. As they descend on the Royal Highland Show, I am delighted to outline our positive vision to support them going forward.

“From delivering a £1 billion increase in UK-wide farming, to allowing them to use gene-editing technology and backing new entrants into the sector, we are on their side. That’s in sharp contrast to the SNP who have repeatedly let Scotland’s farmers, crofters and agriculture workers down over their 17 years in office.

“Rural Scotland has so much potential but is being failed by nationalist representatives who are completely out-of-touch with their needs.

“Whilst the Bute House Agreement has come to an end, in all but name, John Swinney’s SNP Government are still working hand in glove with the extreme Greens who are a threat to rural livelihoods.”

Also included are a pledge a ‘Rural Charter’ to enshrine in law the rights of rural and coastal communities when it comes to policy making; a move to reverse planned visitor information centres and support rural healthcare services through a new funding formula.