We have been throwing the spotlight on Westminster election candidates from a rural background. Each of the main parties have been approached, but only Labour and the Conservatives have supplied any details. This week, Moray hopeful Kathleen Robertson outlines her rural credentials.

As someone who is not just a politician but also a qualified vet, I have had to deal with many unique challenges while living in rural communities across Moray.

I moved to this wonderful region not long after the foot and mouth pandemic of 2001, which was so devastating for our farmers.

Since then I have been on the ground as an inspector when we have had any outbreaks of avian flu.

Currently with both my hats on I am fighting the ongoing reductions in out-of-hours veterinary care across Moray. Rural pet owners are having to make lengthy journeys to either Inverness or Aberdeen due to a lack of vets being available.

As leader of Moray Council over the last couple of years I have had to deal with the impact of continued cuts being passed down by the SNP Government to councils’ budgets.

I was proud that I managed to secure a cross-party budget agreement earlier this year, which was the first time that had occurred in a decade in Moray.

Now I want to have the honour of being the MP for Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey and stand up for rural interests every single day.

Living in a rural allowed me to see how our needs are being ignored by a central-belt focused SNP Government on a whole host of issues including our roads not being fit for purpose and GP surgeries continuing to close.

If I am fortunate enough to be elected on July 4th, I will always stand up for our farmers, land managers and the agriculture sector to ensure they remain at the heartbeat of our communities for generations to come.