The Labour General Election manifesto, launched today, is silent on the amount of money the party would commit to the flagship nature-friendly farming scheme that has replaced EU subsidies.

Though there is a pledge to support British farmers while protecting the environment, with targets to deliver local and high standard food in the public sector, the manifesto makes no commitment on the agricultural budget.

That is likely to come in Labour’s first spending review, if it wins power.

Under a section headed "Supporting British farmers," the manifesto states: "Labour recognises that food security is national security. That is why we will champion British farming whilst protecting the environment.

"We will set a target for half of all food purchased across the public sector to be locally produced or certified to higher environmental standards. We will introduce a land-use framework and make environment land management schemes work for farmers and nature.

"And we will work with farmers and scientists on measures to eradicate Bovine TB, protecting livelihoods, so that we can end the ineffective badger cull."

Country Land and Business Association (CLA) president Victoria Vyvyan said there was no detail on the agricultural budget, rural growth or planning reforms.

Read more: Tory pledge to boost agriculture budget falls short of asks from farming groups

“This manifesto suggests Labour is listening, and we welcome the manner in which they have engaged with us, but much more thinking needs to be done to deliver the serious change in business environment the countryside needs,” she warned.

Labour is also promising to ban trail hunting – prompting criticism from the Countryside Alliance which said it could not make the move and then claim it respects the countryside”.

Linking the climate crisis to its plans for nature, Labour has pledged to create three new national forests, plant millions of trees and new woodlands, expand habitats such as wetlands and peat bogs, reduce waste and clean up the country’s coasts, lakes and rivers.

Read more: Lib Dems pledge £1bn boost to sustainable farming schemes in rural offer

The party has committed to the Environment Act targets on nature, clean air and water, and promised to build houses without weakening environmental standards.

Labour also confirmed it will not issue new oil and gas licences for the North Sea as it set out its plans to make the UK a “clean energy superpower”.

The party put clean energy as one of its central missions for government as it seeks to draw dividing lines with the Tories on the climate and nature crisis, which it describes as the “greatest long-term challenge we face”.

Labour’s manifesto says the party will deliver a “green prosperity plan” to invest in the climate transition, that it claims will create 650,000 green jobs, cut bills and secure energy independence.

The manifesto confirms £8.3bn for the publicly owned Great British Energy company which will invest in clean energy.

There are pledges to double onshore wind, triple solar power and quadruple offshore wind.