SAOS, Scotland’s agri co-op and supply chain collaboration expert organisation, has appointed Allene Bruce to the position of head of supply chain development.

Allene’s most recent role was as director at New Nutrition Business, leading on market research and strategy development projects for a wide range of clients, including Danone, PepsiCo and Fonterra, as well as trade associations, research organisations and government bodies. She was instrumental in growing the consultancy arm of the business, targeting and tailoring the provision of services, such as market insights, for regular clients.

Through Allene’s previous roles with Scotland Food and Drink and Scottish Enterprise, she brings an understanding of the challenges faced by the Scottish agriculture, aquaculture and food and drink industries, as well as economic development challenges and opportunities. She also gained experience of the importance of co-operative working for strengthening the supply chains and improving the quality of production while she was involved in producing and marketing potatoes at Greenvale AP.

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Allene Bruce said: “I have worked alongside the SAOS team in a range of projects over the years and have always admired the valuable contribution they make to the industry. I’m excited be part of such a fantastic organisation, and for the opportunities and challenges ahead at such a key time for the Scottish farming and food industry.”

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SAOS strategic services director, Patrick Hughes, added: “We are truly delighted to welcome Allene to the SAOS team. Several members of the team have worked with Allene over the years on different projects, and indeed with different organisations, so we have no doubt that she will hit the ground running as she takes over the lead on our supply chain work. Allene will bring fresh eyes and ideas to help the whole team rise to the challenges facing the wider food and farming sector.”