SCOTLAND is united in its love of a Hogmanay steak pie, but when and how it’s enjoyed varies across the country.

Three-quarters (75%) of Scots say steak pie is an important part of their Hogmanay and New Year’s Day traditions, with 83% of people across Scotland planning to tuck into the dish this year.

A Make It Scotch survey of 1000 Scots has ignited a debate about when steak pie should be enjoyed and what to drink with it.

Scots are divided about when to eat steak pie

While traditionally eaten on New Year’s Day, the Make It Scotch survey has found a third (34%) prefer to eat it on Hogmanay to kick start the celebrations with friends and family (21%), as a meal before a big night out (7%) or enjoy it on their own (6%) before the bells. The research found that two-thirds (66%) of Scots plan on keeping tradition and will enjoy their steak pie on the first day of the year.

IRN-BRU is the nation’s favourite steak pie accompaniment

While Scots are united in their love of the traditional steak pie, some are washing it down with a more modern accompaniment. Beloved Scottish beverage IRN-BRU came out on top as the drink of choice to enjoy with a steak pie for nearly a quarter (22%) of Scots – rising to a whopping 41% of those in Stirling.

IRN-BRU overtakes Scotland’s national drink – a dram of Scotch whisky

Scots planning on eating steak pie to welcome in 2024 are as likely to wash it down with a dram of Scotch whisky (9.5%) as they are a glass of fizz from the continent – with 1 in 10 Scots saying they prefer to enjoy the dish with a glass of champagne or prosecco (9.2%).

Scotch Butchers club manager, Gordon Newlands, said: “With many of us reimagining how we celebrate the festive season, it’s heartening to see that some classic Scottish traditions haven’t been broken.

“For the majority of Scots, our research has shown steak pie is an important part of Hogmanay and New Year’s Day celebrations. Enjoying some Scotch Beef steak pie can remind us of fond memories of feasting with friends and family and remains a great way to welcome in the new year, whether on our own or with those we love.

“Whether you’re buying a pie from your local butchers or you fancy trying to make it yourself from scratch, looking out for the Scotch logos and opting for Scotch Beef will ensure you’re plating up the best quality pie to welcome in 2024.”

Regional splits across Scotland

While most Scots are united in their fondness for traditional steak pie, this new research has also revealed some interesting regional variations across the country.

When asked if steak pie was an important part of their Hogmanay or New Year’s Day traditions, 84% of Glaswegians agreed versus just 59% of people living in Inverness.

While 71% of people living in Perth prefer to eat their steak pie as part of a New Year’s Day feast with friends or family, just 37% of Aberdonians say this is their preferred way to enjoy the dish with as many as 1 in 4 (25%) preferring to enjoy it on their own either before or after the bells.

Glaswegians are more likely than those living in other cities to say they prefer to eat their steak pie before drinking on Hogmanay (10%). In comparison, Aberdonians are more likely to eat it as a New Year’s Day hangover cure (8%) than those living in other Scottish cities.

When pairing a drink with their steak pie, the beverage of choice in Glasgow is beer (26%), whereas those in Perth were more likely than any other Scottish city to prefer to pair their steak pie with a glass of champagne or prosecco (21%) and Scotch whisky is most popular in Inverness (12%).

Make It Scotch

For those seeking high-quality, local produce to make steak pie this festive period, Scotch Beef will have the ideal cut to suit. The Scotch Beef logo indicates that products are locally sourced from selected Scottish farms that adopt best practices, including animal welfare and production methods, as well as supporting Scotland’s rural communities.

- For budget-friendly recipes to inspire your festive feasting, visit and @makeitscotch on Instagram.