A total ban on the use of snares and glue traps in Wales is set to come into from next week.

It is the first ban of its kind in the UK, but legislation is under consideration in Scotland.

The ban on the use of snares is a Welsh Programme for Government commitment and was supported by the majority of those who took part in the public consultation.

READ MORE: Land managers hit out at prospective ban on snares

The administration argues that snares and glue traps cause great suffering to animals, and are indiscriminate as they can trap and harm species they are not intended for including pets.

It adds that if pets such as cats are caught in a glue trap it can tragically lead to the animal being put to sleep as a result of the injuries sustained and an animal caught in a snare can endure acute pain and suffering.

Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths said: “There is now a week to go before the use of snares and glue traps are banned in Wales. This will bring an end to suffering and pain for many animals, often those that were not the intended target of the trap.

READ MORE: Snare ban and SSPCA powers increase consultation opens

“The aim of the ban is to stop an inhumane method of predator and rodent control. Other more humane methods exist and are widely used.

“The use of snares and glue traps are not compatible with the high animal welfare standards we strive for here in Wales. I’m pleased we are leading the way on this issue.”

From 17 October the use of snares and glue traps will be illegal in Wales. Anyone found guilty of using a snare could face imprisonment or an unlimited fine or both.”