Aberdeen and Northern Marts have launched a plan to build a new market premises at their Thainstone site, near Inverurie.

In a letter to the 5000 members, the co-operative ANM set out plans to replace the existing building with a new ‘agri-hub’ which is proposed to go before planners in 2025.

The new mart would be built to the south-west of the 35 year old site on land adjacent to the current buildings. Initial maps of the proposal show a smaller market proposed to replace the current mart which is the largest in Europe.

Initial response from ANM members has been mixed with some farmers welcoming the bold vision whilst others stating that the current premises is operating successfully and raising concerns about costs.

Local member Kevin Gilbert, Womblehill farm, Kintore said: “Given that the mart is only 30 years old it is a bit surprising that ANM are considering a move. No doubt it is for a good reason, but it could be explained better to members.

"The move has caught a lot of us unaware and it seems a bit left-field. We need to see the business case for building a new mart.”

Changes to the site could have an impact on the Royal Northern Spring Show which holds the event at Thainstone.

Royal Northern Agricultural Society (RNAS) presidency to Alan Cumming said: “The RNAS and the ANM Group have a very longstanding relationship with regard to hosting the highly successful Spring Show. The RNAS welcomes the chance to engage with the ANM Group in consultation and joins them in the vision of progressing agriculture in the north-east of Scotland.”

One of the key selling points of a new building is integrated renewable opportunities which will lower the carbon footprint and operating costs of the cooperative. This includes, ‘enhanced water and effluent management, energy from waste and renewable power generation’. The proposal also includes linking into an offsite solar farm to the northwest of Thainstone.

There is also a site for the new Scotbeef abattoir marked out which has yet to lay a brick following the £4m processing and marketing Scottish government grant in 2018.

If a new mart was built the fate of the existing building is yet to be decided, but it is understood a number of potential options are available including sale to another company.

However, members are offered an alternative to building a new market premise by the ANM group with increased investment in the current centre instead. This could focus on improved facilities and critically the environmental footprint of the building.

Chief executive of ANM Group, Grant Rogerson, said: “We have been very encouraged by the early level of interest in our consultation over the future vision for Thainstone. We are seeing good numbers of co-operative members, and others, taking the time to share their views.

“Thainstone is, and has been for the last 35 years, an industry-leading ari-hub for the north east. As we look to the future, we want to consider all our options for developing Thainstone so that industry leadership continues to deliver for our members.”