It was as if it was meant to be, as the Orkney show season was rounded off in glorious sunshine with the County Show in Kirkwall.

The five other local shows had been graced with the best week of weather they’d taken place in for quite some time and an estimated 12,000 people walked through the gates of the Bignold Park where one of the star attractions was an ever expanding sheep section.

The Scottish Farmer: Hrossland Poppy from Toots Cromarty was the Clydesdale supreme and reserve horseHrossland Poppy from Toots Cromarty was the Clydesdale supreme and reserve horse

There were more than 200 sheep present across 14 different sections with a new Dutch Spotted section and a Blue Texel/Badgerface Texel section created to reflect growing numbers of those breeds in Orkney.

The sheep lines were moved to a different part of the showground with five rings being judged simultaneously.

It was one of the more established continental breeds that took the inter-breed prize however. Charles Copland has previously taken the top prize with Texels and Charollais but this was his first supreme championship with his preferred breed, the Beltex.

The Scottish Farmer: inter-breed cattle champion was the commercial calf, Sebay Superhero from the Baillie familyinter-breed cattle champion was the commercial calf, Sebay Superhero from the Baillie family

He made it back to Orkney just in time to watch his ewe lamb being tapped out as the winner with partner Jo Higgs running the show at home for the week as Charles judged at Dumfries and attended the Beltex Premier Sale at Carlisle.

Doing the business for them was Orkney Isles Jameela which stood third in her class at the Royal Highland Show. The ET lamb is by the 3500gns Hackney Gerwyn and her dam is Hackney Elaina which was purchased for 1000gns and flushed last year.

Reserve in inter-breed was the Texel champion, shown by Robbie Scott of Dawn Cottage, Holm, who previously bred Suffolks at Ashvale, Cornhill, Banffshire, before returning to Orkney and moving in to continental breeds.

The Scottish Farmer: Reserve inter-breed cattle champion was the seven-month-old commercial heifer, Gina, from Johnstons at HewanReserve inter-breed cattle champion was the seven-month-old commercial heifer, Gina, from Johnstons at Hewan

The ewe lamb is by Mellorvale Endeavour and out of a Grangour Drambuie-sired gimmer.

The cross-bred sections dominated the inter-breed cattle where the supreme was Sebay Superhero, from well-known commercial breeders Jim Baillie and sons Balfour and Hamish. The nine-month-old Limousin cross steer calf is by Spittalton Barty and out of a British Blue cross cow.

Scott Watson, Carnoustie, who has been coming up to Orkney to buy cattle for more than 45 years was the inter-breed judge and said: “The champion just had a bit more width than the reserve champion. The reserve champion had very nice lines but I just decided to choose the black stot – I always like black if I can get it.

“The continentals and the native breeds were good but just not in the same class in my opinion.”

That calf came through the Black/Blue cross section but the cross coloured winner also attracted a lot of attention at the dyke and came through as reserve supreme.

The Scottish Farmer: Lesley Campbell won the supreme horse with the Highland pony, Grace of Alltnacailleach owned by Amanda Mclennan Lesley Campbell won the supreme horse with the Highland pony, Grace of Alltnacailleach owned by Amanda Mclennan

This one came from the island of Shapinsay, shown by the Johnstons at Hewan. The seven-month-old Gina is sired by Hewan Monty, a Limousin bull bred by the family, and out of a British Blue cross cow.

Both the champion and the reserve in the horse and pony section had a proven track record. The supreme was also the champion of champions at Caithness County, as well as picking up a number of other top prizes in shows across the north of Scotland. Grace of Altnacailleach, is a five-year old Highland mare, exhibited by Amanda McLennan of Garth Farm, St Ola. She’s by Moss-side Iain Mor, out of Staffa 11 of Altnacailleach.

The Clydesdale took the reserve. Hrossland Poppy stood champion of champions at the Hope Show earlier in the week for Toots Cromarty, Hilltoft, Burray. She is a seven year-old by Arradoul Balvenie and out of Dairy Lough Lady Whinhall and was the last foal bred by Toot’s late mother, Ivy.

The Scottish Farmer: Champion Texel from Robbie ScottChampion Texel from Robbie Scott

Leading Awards

Beef Shorthorn (Judge: E Forbes, Tomlunquhart, Nairn). Champion – Lagas Farm Ltd, Laga, Evie, with Lagas Spice Girl, a 19-month-old heifer by Royella Rockstar, out of Lagas Narnia. Reserve – B and S Slater, Newbigging, Dounby, with Knowehead Rolo, a two-year-old bull by Knowehead Machine, out of Knowhead Hazel Cassa. Intermediate bull – B and S Slater. Aged cow, three year-old cow, senior bull calf, heifer calf – GRT Scarth and Co, Twatt Farm, Birsay. Heifer, bull calf – Lagas Farm. Senior heifer calf – JW Taylor and Sons, Aikers, South Ronaldsay.

Aberdeen-Angus (Judge: E Forbes). Champion – Phyllis Hepburn, Messigate, Tankerness, with Burnside Jewel Erica X984, a 27-month-old in-calf heifer, by Burnside Equalizer U836, out of Burnside Jewel Erica U834. Reserve – WR Baillie and Co, Biggings, Toab, with Baillieston Logan X252, a 27-month-old bull by Linton Gilbertines Dubliner R970, out of Baillieston Lucy Gwen T626. Intermediate bull – WR Baillie. Cow in milk, dry cow, in-calf heifer, heifer – Phyllis Hepburn. Heifer calf, bull calf – B and S Slater, Newbigging, Dounby.

Charolais (Judge: G Oag, Achiebeg, Shebster, Caithness). Champion – Messrs Spence, Norton, Dounby with Dounby Ruth, a 21/2-year-old in-calf heifer by Westcarse Houdini, out of Dounby Nancy. Reserve – WR Baillie and Co, Biggings, Toab, with Baillieston Thunder, a 10-month-old bull calf, by the 10,000gns Thrunton Paramount, out of Baillieston Lydia. Junior bull, cow, in-calf heifer, heifer calf – Messrs Spence. Heifer, bull calf – WR Baillie.

Limousin (Judge: G Oag). Champion – JW Taylor jnr, Tayberry, St Margaret’s Hope, with Grahams Sasha, a 26-month-old heifer, by Lenagh Nitro, out of Grahams Mia. Reserve – JW Taylor jnr, with Wedderburn Sally, a 16-month-old in-calf heifer, by the 16,000gns Goldies Novelty, out of Wedderburn Johanna. Purchased for 5500gns at the Red Ladies Derby, at Carlisle in December. Junior bull – F Leslie, Odinstone, Shapinsay. In-calf-heifer, heifer – JW Taylor jnr. Heifer calf, bull calf – M and R Cursiter, Arwick, Evie.

Other pure bred continental (Judge: G Oag). Champion – R Morgan, Swannay Farm, Swannay, with Ranfurly Stella 13, a two-year-old Simmental in-calf heifer, by Ranfurly Jackall, out of Raceview Fancy Winty. Bought at the Next Generation Sale, Carlisle, December 2022 for 5000gns. Reserve – R Morgan with an eight-month-old Simmental bull calf by Kilbride Farm Karl, out of Annick Belle’s Jingle. Aged bull, cow in milk, heifer calf – DD and JA Scott, Grutha, South Ronaldsay. In-calf heifer, heifer with calf, bull calf, senior heifer calf – R Morgan.

Cross-bred black/blue (Judge: J Muir, Honeyneuk, Maud, Aberdeenshire). Champion – JS Baillie and Co, Sebay Farm, Tankerness with Sebay Superhero, a nine-month-old Limousin cross steer calf, by Spittalton Barty, out of a British Blue cross cow. Reserve – F Leslie, Odinstone, Shapinsay with Esme, an 18-month-old Limousin cross heifer, by Hewan Oscar, out of a British Blue cross cow. Cow, in-calf heifer, intermediate steer calf – L Muir, Upper Onston, Stenness. Heifer showing calf teeth – F Leslie, Odinstone. Steer showing calf teeth, junior steer calf – A and A Foubister, Netherton, Holm. Senior heifer calf – RJ Taylor, Brencherhouse, Birsay. Senior steer calf, junior heifer calf – JS Baillie and Co. Intermediate heifer calf – F Moar, Kirkvoe, Rendall.

Cross-bred coloured (Judge: J Muir). Champion – R and J Johnston, Hewan, Shapinsay, with Gina, a seven-month-old Limousin cross calf heifer calf, by Hewan Monty, out of a British Blue cross cow. Reserve – F Moar, Kirkvoe, Rendall, with Jimmy O’ Crook, a seven-month-old Limousin cross steer calf, by Tweeddale Lennox, out of a Limousin cross cow. Heifer showing calf teeth – Messrs Spence, Norton, Dounby. Steer showing calf teeth – B Baillie, Sebay View, Tankerness. Intermediate heifer calf – R and J Johnston. Intermediate steer calf – Fr Moar. Junior heifer calf – L Muir, Upper Onston, Stenness. Junior steer calf – M Walker, Copenago, Tankerness.

Border Leicester (Judge: M Williams, Y Graig Brynsiencyn, Ynys Mon). Champion – JD Wilson, Tofts, St Ola with a gimmer. Reserve – JD Wilson with a ram lamb.

Dutch Spotted (Judge: G Troup, Shaggart Farm, Sauchen, Aberdeenshire). Champion – I Scott, Nordheim, 33 Grainepark, Kirkwall, with Grainpark Gina, a February-born ewe lamb, by the imported Dutchman, out of Glencoy Dusty. Reserve – JM and LJ Girvan, Mossclair, Tankerness, with Mossclair Galahad, a February-born tup lamb, by Back Tor Funny Guy, out of the import Anouk.

Blue Texels and Badger Faced Texels (Judge: G Troup). Champion – RE and RF Scott, Dawn Cottage, Holm with a Blue Texel gimmer, by Carly’s Blues Captain, out of an import Turbo Blue. Reserve – F Leslie, Odinstone, Shapinsay, with Odinstone Hotpants, a March-born Blue Texel ewe lamb, by Saltire Blue Devoted, out of Betws Blues Dixie.

Half-bred (Judge: M Williams). Champion – JD Wilson, Tofts, St Ola with a ewe lamb.

Suffolk (Judge: W Fleming, Hallhill Farm Cottage, Lanarkshire). Champion – H Reid, Howe, Stromness with a ewe lamb, by Pennan Pieman, out of a Ronaldsay ewe, dam was purchased in lamb at Orkney Mart last November. Reserve – D Summers, Easthouse, Toab with a shearling tup, by Newark Northern Light, out of a Roundacre Rolex ewe.

Texel (Judge: J Aiken, Moss House Farm, Wennington, Lancashire). Champion – RE and RF Scott, Dawn Cottage, Holm, with a ewe lamb, by the 3800gns Mellorvale Endeavour and out of a Garngour Drambuie-sired dam. Reserve – LS Flett and Co, Nistaben, Harray with a two-crop ewe, by Milnbank Apache, out of an Auldhouseburn ewe.

Cross-bred (Judge: W Fleming). Champion – Sheena Coghill, Muce, Birsay, with a Beltex cross Charollais gimmer. Reserve – Sheena Coghill with a Texel cross Charollais ewe.

North Country Cheviot (Judge: M Williams). Champion – JS Baillie and Co, Sebay Farm, with a home-bred gimmer, by Upper Boultach Belter bought in Quoybrae. Reserve – J and J Smith, Upper Cornquoy, Holm with a ewe.

Charollais (Judge: A Davies, Hillhead Of Cannahars, Whitecairns, Aberdeenshire). Champion – Sheena Coghill, Muce, Birsay with a home-bred gimmer by Thackwood Viking, out of a home-bred dam. Reserve – R Wood, North Moa, Rendall, with a ewe.

Beltex (Judge: J Aiken). Champion – Bimbister Partnership, Lenahowe, Quoyloo, Sandwick with Orkney Isles Jameela, a ewe lamb, by the 3500gns Hackney Gerwyn, out of Hackney Elaina. Reserve – TA Linklater Livestock, Stonelea, Stenness with a four-shear tup bred by Andrew Baillie, Callacrag.

Any other pure breed (Judge: A Davies). Champion – Ava Laughton, Garth Farm, St Ola, with a three-crop Bluefaced Leicester ewe, by Craig Yr Orsedd L1 bought at the Christmas Classic in 2019. Reserve – J Laughton, Garth Farm, St Ola, with a three-shear Hill Cheviot bred at the Castle of Mey, by a Philiphaugh sire bought at Dingwall for £1000 last year.

Highland ponies (Judge: Julia Furness, 15 The Orchard, Lauder, Berwickshire). Champion – Amanda McLennan, Garth Farm St Ola, Grace of Altnacailleach, a five year-old mare, by Moss-side Iain Mor, out of Staffa 11 of Altnacailleach.

Shetland ponies (Judge: Edwina Headley, Fell View, Kirkby Stephen). Champion – Millquoy Shetland Pony Stud, Heddle Cottage, Finstown, with the 12-year old brood mare Millquoy Jade, by Canterburgh Sir William, out of Millquoy Jenny. Reserve – Amanda McLennan, Garth Farm, St Ola, with the stallion, Robins Brae Starlight.

Pure-bred heavy horse (Judge: Julia Furness). Champion – IG Cromarty, Hilltoft, Burray with the seven-year-old yield mare Hrossland Just Poppy, by Arradoul Balvenie, out of Dairy Lough Whinhall.