Take-all is the single biggest robber of yield in second cereals, it colonises roots and hinders water and nutrient uptake. This compromising of the root system means that even at very low levels of infection, the plant’s ability to utilise all of the moisture and nutrients available can be much reduced.

The benefits of Latitude seed treatment, used as part of an integrated approach to growing successful second and third cereals are long established. Latitude, active ingredient silthiofam, has a well proven efficacy from hundreds of trial datasets over its extensive lifespan and is the only available seed treatment for take-all control. 

Across these trials, Latitude offers an average yield benefit of over 0.5T per hectare. In situations where take-all pressure is higher (light land, early drilling) the yield benefit will be even greater. Beyond the obvious yield benefit and take-all protection, Latitude can improve grain quality and therefore the overall value of your end product.

Calculate the economic benefits of using Latitude on your farm, using a handy cost benefit calculator to aide your decision making, found at www.certisbelchim.co.uk/latitude.   

Input your specific drilling rate and input costs to calculate the likely financial benefit of using Latitude on your second cereals this autumn.

The Scottish Farmer: