NFU Scotland President Martin Kennedy (left) welcomed Mairi McAllan MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Just Transition to his family farm in Highland Perthshire on Monday (10 July).  

NFU Scotland’s Director of Policy, Jonnie Hall, joined the visit.Mr Kennedy, who described the meeting as very positive and frank, said: “We had a wide-ranging discussion on the vital role that only farming and crofting can play in terms of delivering on climate and nature aspirations whilst also producing food, driving the rural economy, and sustaining rural communities.  

READ MORE: NFUS demands future rural payments be paid directly to farmers

A new Climate Change Plan and Land Use and Agriculture Just Transition Plan for Scotland will put down significant challenges for our industry but also presents the opportunity to recognise the significant sequestration potential that active farming and crofting provide.  

However, it will be the new Agriculture Bill, currently making its way through Holyrood, that will be the delivery mechanism for these plans.  We believe the Bill must enable all farmers and crofters to adapt and play their part, while also underpinning the viability of agricultural businesses and driving efficiencies so that we secure all the benefits that active agriculture delivers for Scotland.”  

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