Two young Scottish cattle enthusiasts came out on top in the British Charolais Cattle Society's Youth National Stock Judging finals, leading the intermediate and senior competitions.

The competition, staged at Peter Donger's Towcester-based unit which is home to the Seawell Charolais herd, Northants, saw no fewer than 42 young stock judgers take part, which culminated in Gregor Milne from Morayshire winning the intermediates, while Kelly Stott from the Borders, topped the seniors.

The Scottish Farmer: Senior winner, Sophie Stott, receives the award from host farmer Peter DongerSenior winner, Sophie Stott, receives the award from host farmer Peter Donger

First prize in the junior section was presented to Conor Phair from Northern Ireland, while the award for the winning pair went to Charlotte Hitchen and Tom Brown representing Yorkshire and Northeast.

The youngsters were assessed by master judges Iain Millar – newly appointed president of the British Charolais Cattle Society – and Tracey Nicoll, Perthshire, who were most impressed by all who took part in the competition.

The Scottish Farmer: Gregor Milne is presented with the trophy for best intermediate by Peter DongerGregor Milne is presented with the trophy for best intermediate by Peter Donger

"Right across the age groups these budding young Charolais experts were very good in their judgements and very keen, and the breed is clearly in safe hands with this younger generation coming through. Both Tracey and I were hugely impressed by their knowledge, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn.