TWO men who have farmed in East Lothian for decades received special recognition at the Haddington Show on Saturday.

Douglas McEwan, who has farmed at Preston Mains, near East Linton, for 33 years, received a prestigious long service award from the Royal Highland Agricultural Society (RHAS).

Mr McEwan’s time on the farm has followed on from 20 years working in the military.

Preston Mains is an arable farm, specialising in wheat and barley, but it also keep a small amount of Highland Cattle.

READ MORE: Haddington Show: Texel and NCC take top two sheep awards

Mr McEwan knew that he was getting the award as it had been delayed from Covid-19, but he was still delighted to finally accept it.

He said: “It was great – though I knew I was getting it. But I was glad to be recognised.”

He added that it felt special to be recognised for the work that he did.

Meanwhile, Tom Middlemass was presented a lifetime membership of United East Lothian Agricultural Society (UELAS) at the show.

The Scottish Farmer: Receiving honorary life membership of UELAS is Tom Middlemass

Tom, 78, of Markle Mains Farm, near East Linton, has been attending the Haddington Show since he was young, only ever missing the event once due to a wedding.

He told the Courier: “I love the Haddington Show.

“I go every year and it is always a fantastic event.

“I was surprised to get the award. They told me to stand to the side and I asked why, and they told me it was to get my award.

“I figure I was given it for being around for so long!”

Tom has been heavily involved with the show since the 1950s and still provides commentary on the vintage tractor display, which he again provided this year.

He said: “I do the vintage tractor commentary, I think they chose me just because of my knowledge from the past.

“I always enjoy getting involved.

“Thankfully this year the rain stayed off, even though it was a bit windy.”

Tom is still involved with farming at his farm, although he admitted he was not doing as much as he used to be.

He said: “I still get up early and I still do my bit about the farm.

“Thankfully, my son has offered help and now takes on a lot of the workload. But I am still very much involved.

“I hope to be back at the Haddington Show again next year.”