Having experienced two months of National chair of the Scottish Association of Young Farmers’ Clubs (SAYFC), Jane Strawhorn, of Crossroads YFC, has certainly not stopped since taking on the appointment in April at the agm.

"I am delighted and honoured to have assumed the role of National chair for SAYFC, working alongside my newly elected vice-chair, Alistair Brunton. I am keen to get stuck into the year ahead and face any challenges head on. I am extremely fortunate to be surrounded and supported by the National and Regional committees and look forward to working with all of them to drive SAYFC forward over the next year," she said.

Jane replaced Lucy Mitchell, of West Fife JAC, who headed a year of growth for the association.

"Over the past year, we have helped raise the SAYFC membership, made a positive contribution to changes at board level which will help the organisation in the future challenges it faces while securing Scottish Government funding to aid this process," said Lucy.

"We have also managed to continue the journey of the organisation being more inclusive for all young people in rural communities and we introduced a Young Farmers Five Nations Conference. New opportunities were also added to the programme and a SAYFC Stockjudging and membership app was created.

"Last year, was one to remember and I take great pride in thanking my team for the part they played in making it a great year for SAYFC. Our new Chair will take on fresh challenges and I know that Jane and her team will take SAYFC to another level, leaving it even stronger for their successors. SAYFC is developing in exciting ways, and I look forward to seeing where it goes in future years," she said.

Working beside Jane this year will be the newly-appointed National vice-chair, Alistair (Ally) Brunton, of East Fife JAC.

"I look forward to working alongside Jane, and the rest of our National committees. We have a really enthusiastic group on these committees this year, and hopefully with that comes new ideas. We aim to ensure that our members have the best experience possible, and if we are successful then that should help attract new members," he pointed out.

The Association Has Six National Committees:

Agri and rural affairs:

National chair – John McCulloch, Stewartry YFC.

National vice-chair – Scott Dey, Inverurie JAC.

West region chair – Rebecca Duncan, Callander YFC.

East region chair – Bruce Keillor, Forfar Jac.

North region chair – Stephen Allan, Udny JAC.

Competitions and events:

Chair – Grant Barr, West Fife JAC.

Vice-chair – Jane Donald, Biggar YFC.

Communication and marketing:

Chair – Laura McCulloch, Stranraer and Rhins YFC.

Vice-chair – Wallace Currie, Lower Nithsdale YFC.

Development and wellbeing:

Chair – Skye Watson, Biggar YFC.

Vice-chair – Abby Forsyth, Stewartry YFC.


Chair – Aimee Margrove, Udny JAC.

Vice-chair – Lewis Carruthers, Annandale YFC.

International travel:

Chair – Linsey Campbell, West Renfrewshire YFC.

Vice-chair – Mhairi Dalgleish, Bankfoot JAC.

The association also welcomed a new honorary president in the form of Alex Allison, a former Lanark YFC member, Lanarkshire district chairman and a past National SAYFC chairman.

With these appointments in place, the National chair has a positive outlook for her year at the helm: “Looking to the year ahead, I am confident of another successful year for SAYFC and I am looking forward to being out and about, meeting members, celebrating their achievements, and providing them as much support as I can.

"SAYFC is truly a unique organisation with limitless opportunities, and I am eager show to members exactly what this organisation can do for them.”