Today (June 21) thousands will be waking up bright and early and heading out to mark the summer solstice. 

Many will have woken up and be headed to the historical site of Stonehenge to see the solstice, as hundreds of druids gather to welcome the sun. 

But if you're not an early bird then no need to worry as you can still mark the event with its sunset. 

What time is sunset for the summer solstice?

Sunrise in the UK was around 4.43 am for much of the nation today (June 21) according to Time and Date. 

Whilst sunset for the summer solstice will take place at 9.21 pm, giving nearly 17 hours of daylight for the longest day of the year. 

Although parts of the country will have longer days than others, with Aberdeen waking up at 4.12 am and setting at 10.08 pm. 

You can find out your location's exact sunset via the website here. 

The Scottish Farmer: Will you be watching the sunset?Will you be watching the sunset? (Image: PA)

What is the summer solstice Pagan blessings?

To celebrate the summer solstice pagan prayers and blessings are shared to help your garden take in the sun and earth so it can flourish. 

The garden prayer for Litha is as follows and you will need to say the prayer in your garden on a sunny day, barefoot in soil or you can stand in your garden and place your hands on a pot. 

The pray is: 

Small plants, leaves and buds,

growing in the soil.

O fiery sun, may your rays of'

light and warmth'

bless us with abundance,

and allow these plants to blossom'

with life.

There is also the Pagan prayer to the sun:

The sun is high above us'

shining down upon the land and sea,

making things grow and bloom.

Great and powerful sun,

we honour you this day'

and thank you for your gifts.

Ra, Helios, Sol Invictus, Aten, Svarog,

you are known by many names.

You are the light over the crops,

the heat that warms the earth,

the hope that springs eternal,

the bringer of life.

We welcome you, and we honour you this day,

celebrating your light,

as we begin our journey once more'

into the darkness.

Why do solstices happen?

Solstices occur due to the Earth rotating on its axis, producing the day and night cycle, whilst it also orbits around the Sun.

Royal Museums Greenwich states: "However, the axis of rotation of the Earth is not lined up with the axis of motion around the Sun. Instead, it is tilted slightly at 23.44°.1.

"This tilt means that during one half of the year, the North side of the Earth is tilted slightly towards the Sun and the South is tilted away. For the other half of the year, the reverse is true.

"At the exact moment that the northern hemisphere is most tilted towards the Sun, the northern hemisphere experiences its summer solstice.

"The southern hemisphere, by contrast, has its winter solstice."