A first-of its kind competitive grant in Wales that offers from £50,000 and £250,000 to support peatland restoration, was launched this week.

There's only a total funding pot of £500,000, though to be shared between farmers and landowners with a plan ready to restore peatland. The new grant will see activity and equipment on site, putting into practice some of the 100 possible intervention techniques to restore peatland to a healthy bog, or fen habitat.

It follows two rounds of development grants offered in 2022-2023 to plan for ‘shovel-ready’ peatland restoration. The funds are part of a more extensive peatland restoration action funded by Welsh Government to the value of over £2.5m over the next two years.

In welcoming the scheme, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) chief executive, Clare Pillman, said: "With 4% of peatland surface land cover in Wales, 90% is considered to be in a deteriorating condition and emitting greenhouse gases."

The closing date for the delivery grant application window is July 1.