THE ongoing Integrating Trees Network (ITN) scheme is looking to expand and attract more host farmers and crofters across Scotland.

This aims to raise awareness of the benefits that trees can bring to farming and crofting businesses. The network’s on-farm visits and online events are led by the host farmers and crofters, backed with support from the Scottish government and Scottish Forestry.

To date, the network has held 24 events which brought together farmers from across Scotland to share their experiences and learn from each other. The host farmers have played a pivotal role in making the initiative a success and the plan is to boost the number of of hosts taking part

Scottish Forestry’s farming development officer, Lyn White, said: “The ITN is a fabulous way for farmers and crofters to see and hear directly from their counterparts about tree planting. The events are informal and the beauty is that all those taking part can get practical advice and support, and make contacts, to help them integrate trees into their businesses.

“The current network of hosts have been brilliant and offered so much expertise to others who are considering growing trees for the first time,” she said.

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Each host has shared practical knowledge, ranging from why they wanted to grow trees, their practical experiences of planting and managing trees, to the benefits trees bring to their business. Discussions included integrating trees at every scale – shelter belts; croft woodlands; small scale woodland creation and commercial scale projects.

The most popular events focused on integrating trees to improve biodiversity on farms, the Woodland Carbon Code and how best to design shelter belts.

Richard Lockett, who runs Knockbain Farm, in Dingwall, is one of the host farmers and is also a conservation advisor. He says other farmers would be welcome to join the network.

"Hosting events and being part of online discussions has been a great chance to share what we’re doing as well as an opportunity to hear different perspectives and ideas from lots of different people,” he said.

Farmers and crofters who would like to join the Integrating Trees Network as a host should contact or