Mairi Gougeon MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands, has been confirmed as the key note speaker at the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) conference later this month.

Taking place on 23 March 2023 at Bowhouse in Fife, RBST Scotland’s ‘Farm to Fork – a new, sustainable perspective’ conference will explore sustainable solutions to the challenges Scottish agriculture is facing.

As well as the Cabinet Secretary, the programme will also feature Christopher Price (RBST), Ceri Ritchie (SAC Consulting), David McKay (Soil Association), Prof Tim Morris (RBST), Doug Christie (Durie Farm), Johnnie Balfour (Pasture Fed Livestock Association), Nikki Yoxall (Grampian Grazers), Roger Baird (Scottish Organic Producers Association) and Adam Forrest (Scotland Food & Drink).

Martin Beard, RBST Vice President Scotland, said: “I am delighted that the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands will be speaking at RBST Scotland’s Farm to Fork conference, as we mark in 2023 the 50th anniversary of RBST’s formation. Scottish agriculture faces major challenges over the coming decades, and Government and farmers exploring priorities and perspectives together is crucial to setting the right course towards sustainable farming.

Read more: RBST Scotland launches sustainable farming conference in Fife

“There is no choice to be made between food production and environmental sustainability, the two depend on each another. This conference will help identify sustainable solutions for challenges such as soil health, carbon and future-proofing Scottish farming, and the significant contributions that our native livestock breeds can make. This is a definitive event for anyone with an interest in a sustainable and profitable future for agriculture in Scotland. Tickets are now open, book your place so that you don’t miss out.”

The conference will run from 9am to 5pm on 23 March at Bowhouse, St Monans, Fife. Tickets are £30 + VAT and can be booked at