More than 100 dairy cows have fallen ill and died on the island of Jersey since Thursday, December 15, on Woodlands Farm, near St Helier.

The cause of the cows' deaths is not yet known and investigations are ongoing with samples from the cattle and the feed on farm being sent for testing. Around 33,000 litres of milk gathered on the island is being disposed off as a precaution. Jersey Dairy says it is an isolated incident and no other farms are affected. Cattle in a separate part of the Woodlands herd have also been unaffected.

Read more: 'Hundreds' of dead calves found on Irish farm

Eamon Fenlon, managing director of Jersey Dairy, said: "Everyone at Jersey Dairy is totally devastated with what has happened at Woodlands Farm and our thoughts are with the Le Boutillier family and all their team at this very tragic time. Losing part of a herd like this is heartbreaking. We can’t imagine how difficult this is for the family."

Jersey's deputy environment minister, Jonathan Renouf, added: "The analysis of the samples will tell us more, but this can take around a week due its specialist nature. I’m reassured to hear that no milk from the specifically affected sub herd has entered the food chain, and that every precaution has been taken to safeguard public and animal health."