Frustration at a lack of government commitment to UK agriculture and food security, along with the poor recognition that agriculture is the key to tackling climate change, has been vented by the National Sheep Association (NSA)

Its chief executive, Phil Stocker, said: “British agriculture is making huge progress to tackle climate change, in many cases more than most other industries. We must not forget that while agriculture accounts for 10% of national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, this is emissions only and the figure takes no account of the carbon held in soil, hedgerows, shelterbelts, trees, and even wool, that is provided and created by farming.

"The UK agricultural industry is a fundamentally important primary industry that produces the most essential of life ingredients – food, and it falls well behind sectors such as transport – accounting for 24% of GHG emissions, energy supply – 21%, along with business and residential taking up further chunks of the pie."

Mr Stocker added: “Farms could do so much more with the right incentives, to reduce methane emissions, and further reduce reliance on fossil fuel based inputs. We could also massively increase carbon sequestration opportunities in and around farmland but this does require financial incentives and reward because at the moment many of these things either cost or reduce the output of the farm.

Read more: NSA calls out TV giant Netflix on promoting sheep worrying

“We are seeing time and again a lack of commitment from the British Government and support for the agriculture industry. We must make farming and food security a priority for the health of the nation but also as a key component in tackling climate change.

"Rishi Sunak’s Government must begin to deliver on promises made in August this year. The wider industry is tackling huge supply chain volatility, extreme spikes in input costs, and crippling regulation along with labour shortages that have been ongoing since Brexit.

"NSA is urging the government to move into action now or risk crippling the industry that feeds the nation for good,” he said.