Two respected awards recognising the outstanding contribution of those working within the UK sheep sector are now open for nominations.

The NSA George Hedley Memorial Award and the NSA Bob Payne Memorial Award both aim to reward deserving individuals from the UK sheep industry. For the first time in their history, both will now be awarded annually to recognise the increasingly significant number of people who make a valuable impact on the success of the sector.

First presented more than 60 years ago, The NSA George Hedley Award is typically seen as a lifetime achievement honour to a highly esteemed person within UK sheep farming who has made a sustained or momentous contribution.

Individual NSA members and committees, major agricultural organisations, farming unions and NSA-affiliated sheep breed societies are now invited to make nominations for the award as a 200-word written citation. Nominations from individual NSA members must state a proposer and seconder, but this is not required for nominations from a committee or other group.

NSA chief executive Phil Stocker said: “The George Hedley award is a really prestigious recognition of outstanding contribution to the sheep industry in the UK. The long and very worthy list of individuals who have been recipients of this award in the past is testimony to the dedication of people within our sector. All at NSA are proud to present this award and we look forward to welcoming nominations this year.”

NSA is also inviting nominations from NSA committees for the NSA Bob Payne Memorial Award for an Unsung Hero. Now to be awarded annually, having previously been presented every other year, yt is given to an individual from within NSA’s own extensive network of officeholders, committee members, volunteers and staff who has gone above and beyond for the good of NSA.

Mr Stocker continues: “This special award really does give praise to those individuals who are often the unassuming, loyal and hard-working individuals that are key to the successful running of an aspect of NSA’s work. It is pleasing to now be able to present this annually to reflect the incredible number of people within our organisation whose work is essential but often unseen.”

Nominations for both awards must be received by Friday September 30. For further details on both awards and the nomination process visit or