Cairnborrow Farm, near Huntly in Aberdeenshire, is to play host to an SAC technical beef day to discuss cows and carbon.

On Thursday June 9, between 10.15am and 3.30pm, the Wordie family will host the meeting focussed on creating a sustainable future for the industry – one which strikes a balance between tackling emissions and bolstering productivity.

Attendees have the opportunity to participate in four interactive stations; maximising grass; health planning; methane inhibitors for beef cattle and virtual fencing. There will be a nutrition update from David McClelland from Norvite, discussing how the war in Ukraine could impact winter feeding.

Read more: Livestock only half way there on emissions

After lunch there will be a panel session hosted by head of SAC Consulting, Andrew Lacey, posing the question ‘How does the Scottish beef industry prepare for the future’? On the panel will be Colin Davidson of Skail Farm in Orkney and Kirsty Budge of Bigton Farm in Shetland. Head of Agriculture for Virgin Money, Brian Richardson, will also take part in the session, alongside SRUC’s Senior Economist Steven Thomson.

George, Margo and Nicola Wordie are looking forward to welcoming the technical beef event to Cairnborrow after being hosts to the RNAS beef event in 1990.

The event is free to attend, but attendees are asked to register for catering purposes by phoning SAC Consulting’s Elgin office on 01343 548787 or email