A new entrepreneur network for former students of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) is being launched at an awards event next month.

The SRUC Alumni Entrepreneur Network will allow enterprising former and current students, and staff, to network and share their experiences for the benefit of the whole community.

A central focus will be an annual awards event celebrating alumni who are industry champions and a key part of Scotland’s natural economy.

Hosted by former SRUC student, Steven Mitchell, at The Buffalo Farm, in Kirkcaldy, Fife, the inaugural Alumni Entrepreneur Network Awards will initially focus on enterprising business people from the alumni community who primarily operate in the food and farming sector.

Former SRUC students are being encouraged to nominate themselves, or a colleague for an award in five different categories: Diversification, innovation, environmental sustainability, new entrant and alumni 'champion' by April 30. The winners will be announced at the event on the evening of Saturday, May 28.