Top three rankings remained fixed among the April’s AHDB proof run for breeds other than the Holstein.

Top three came in the form of River Valley Cece Chrome (PLI £486), Danish VJ Raastrup HIHL Gislev (PLI £444) and VJ Ravninggaard Huus Hamlet (PLI £413).

The fourth ranking Jersey is the newcomer, VJ Skolvad Dau Dandi (PLI £393), a sire which features high quality milk in terms of butterfat (+0.28%).

Dandi stands ahead of JX Spring Creek Marlo Stoney and VJ Balslev Hitman Nibali who rank equal fifth, both with a PLI of £383. Both bulls have moved up the rankings, Stoney from seventh and Nibala from 26th position. Stoney has the highest Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) for percentage fat in the breed’s top 10 (+0.30%) with high type, while Nibala transmits good health and fertility.


Less change amongst the Ayrshires sees four of the previous top bulls remaining in the top five in a slightly amended order, this time led by VR Alatalon Flame Feton (PLI £470). Feton transmits superb daughter fertility and gains a high score for overall HealthyCow.

Second ranking VR Gobel is a long-term fixture and continues as a good all-rounder, with a PLI of £434.

VR Vilano was formerly number one within the red breed, and now ranks third with a PLI of £412. Again a good all-rounder, improving daughter fertility, Vilano stands ahead of VR Tokyo (PLI £319). By far the highest production transmitter of the Ayrshire top 10, Tokyo has PTAs of 699kg milk, 29.5kg fat and 29.7kg protein.

Rounding off the Ayrshire top five is VR Fabu, the low volume, high milk quality bull, who also transmits udder health. Fabu’s PLI is £314.


In the Friesian breed, Catlane Caleb edges back into the lead (PLI £359), a position he has held on many occasions, this time standing ahead of general health improver, Inch Persistent (PLI £344).

Irish-bred Carrickshock GTW is edged out of first position into third place, still transmitting high production with PTAs of 466kg milk, 19.2kg fat and 20.3kg protein. His PLI is £331.

Also from Ireland, fourth ranking Raheenarran BCG Sochar moves up with a PLI of £307, while Catlane Cromwell wraps up the Friesian top five with a PLI of £297.

Other breeds

“It’s very important to use the UK equivalent indexes when choosing a bull, regardless of breed, as only then can UK breeders obtain a genuine comparison of their transmitting ability against all other bulls of that breed,” says Marco Winters for AHDB Dairy.

“Without this comparison, it’s impossible to compare a bull from one country against another, and impossible to know which bulls would be most suited to any herd,” he says.